Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Dems blast drilling plan, seek redress like Fla.

- By Matthew Daly

WASHINGTON — Opposition to the Trump administra­tion’s plan to expand offshore drilling mounted Wednesday as Democrats from coastal states accused President Donald Trump of punishing states with Democratic leaders and a second Republican governor asked to withdraw his state from the plan.

Democrats said Trump and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke were being hypocritic­al by agreeing to a request by Florida’s Republican governor to withdraw from the drilling plan, but not making the same accommodat­ion to states with Democratic governors.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said on Twitter that his state, “like Florida, has hundreds of miles of beautiful coastline and a governor who wants to keep it that way. Or is that not enough for blue states?”

“If local voices matter why haven’t they excluded Virginia?” asked Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va. “Is it because the governor of Florida is a Republican and the Virginia governor is a Democrat?”

The complaints came as South Carolina’s Republican governor said Wednesday he is seeking an exemption from the proposed drilling expansion, a move that will test the relationsh­ip between Trump and one of his earliest supporters. Gov. Henry McMaster told reporters that risks associated with drilling pose a threat to South Carolina’s lush coastline and $20 billion tourism industry.

“We cannot afford to take a chance with the beauty, the majesty and the economic value and vitality of our wonderful coastline in South Carolina,” McMaster said.

Opposition to drilling is bipartisan within South Carolina’s congressio­nal delegation: All three House members who represent the state’s 190 miles of coastline said they are against the expansion plan. Two of the three are Republican­s, including Rep. Mark Sanford, a former governor who said Zinke had set a precedent by honoring Florida’s request for an exemption.

In Virginia, GOP Rep. Scott Taylor joined Kaine and Gov.-elect Ralph Northam in opposing the drilling plan. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., called Trump’s plan “a complete non-starter.”

Sen. Jeff Merkley, DOre., said on Twitter that “the only science @SecretaryZ­inke follows is political science. He’ll reverse course to protect fellow Republican­s in Florida, but not to protect coastlines and jobs across the rest of the country? Totally unacceptab­le.”

As of Wednesday, only McMaster and Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina had requested a meeting with Zinke on offshore drilling, Swift said.

In Oregon, Democratic Gov. Kate Brown took to Twitter to ask Zinke for relief. Linking to Zinke tweet about Florida, Brown wrote: “Hey @secretaryz­inke, how about doing the same for #Oregon?”

Zinke said after a brief meeting with Scott at the Tallahasse­e airport Tuesday that drilling in Florida waters would be “off the table.”

The change of course — five days after Zinke announced the offshore drilling plan — highlights the political importance of Florida, where Trump narrowly won the state’s 29 electoral votes in the 2016 election and has encouraged Scott to run for Senate.

The state is also important economical­ly, with a multibilli­on-dollar tourism business built on sunshine and miles of sandy beaches.

And Florida is where Trump has a winter home. Trump spent the Christmas holidays at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach.

 ?? DAVID MCNEW/GETTY ?? Officials in coastal states have criticized Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s plan last week to expand offshore drilling.
DAVID MCNEW/GETTY Officials in coastal states have criticized Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s plan last week to expand offshore drilling.

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