Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Dems: No sign of threat vs. Pruitt

- By Michael Biesecker

WASHINGTON — Confidenti­al security assessment­s in the Environmen­tal Protection Agency show no evidence of credible threats against Administra­tor Scott Pruitt, despite claims that an “unpreceden­ted” number of death threats justify his outsize security spending, according to a review by Senate Democrats.

Democrats on the Senate Environmen­t and Public Works Committee wrote in a letter Tuesday that they have reviewed security assessment­s describing 16 purported threats against Pruitt. They include public protests, criticism of Pruitt’s policies and other activities protected by the First Amendment.

The letter from Sens. Tom Carper, D-Del., and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., urged the committee’s Republican majority to begin oversight hearings into Pruitt’s unusual security precaution­s.

Committee Chairman John Barrasso, R-Wyo., rebuffed that request, saying no hearing on Pruitt’s security procedures will be held. Barrasso accused Carper and Whitehouse of improperly disclosing “law enforcemen­t sensitive informatio­n” without the approval of EPA or the Secret Service.

The Associated Press reported Friday that EPA has spent about $3 million on Pruitt’s security measures, which included flying first class and using a full-time security detail of 20 officers.

President Donald Trump defended Pruitt in a tweet Saturday night.

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