Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Rubenstein takes over as AD

- By David Furones Staff writer

Stoneman Douglas has its new athletic director to replace Chris Hixon, who was killed in the Feb. 14 shooting at the Parkland high school.

Lauren Rubenstein was promoted from assistant athletic director to take over the role, assistant principal Jeff Morford told the Sun Sentinel on Wednesday.

Rubenstein, who was also swimming and water polo coach, was one of two assistant athletic directors along with Marilyn Rule, who coaches girls basketball. Under Hixon, the two would alternate in the assistant role depending on whose sports were not in season.

“I was very excited,” said Rubenstein, a 2000 Douglas graduate. “I’ve been involved in athletics since I got here. I’m really looking forward to working with the coaches. I’ve had some great athletic directors before me, and I hope to make Coach Hixon very proud.”

According to Morford, who was in charge of the search with fellow assistant principal Winfred Porter, Douglas had more than 80 resumes submitted, narrowed it down to five interviews and selected Rubenstein for the job.

“She knew the school well, she knows the population, the community,” Morford said. “I just really felt that overall she was best qualified to take over for what Chris had been doing.”

For Morford, it was an emotional process.

“I brought Chris here. Chris has been my friend for 25 years,” he said. “Definitely, I [placed] a lot of importance in making sure I was hiring the right person to continue what he had been doing here.”

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