Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

President sends barrage of tweets

President targets Mueller probe, Dems, N.Y. Times

- By Noah Bierman Washington Bureau

President Trump spends much of the Memorial Day weekend tweeting about Russia investigat­ion.

Even as he reached a critical moment in his diplomatic efforts with North Korea and celebrated the release of a prisoner from Venezuela, President Donald Trump spent much of Memorial Day weekend tweeting angrily from the White House about the media and the Russia investigat­ion, continuing his strategy of trying to delegitimi­ze the probe that has consumed him since his election.

“Who’s going to give back the young and beautiful lives (and others) that have been devastated and destroyed by the phony Russia Collusion Witch Hunt?” Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

It was unclear whom Trump was talking about, given that most of the people directly affected by the investigat­ion have been limited to his inner circle and a handful of former campaign aides.

Trump instead referred to those hurt in romantic, generation­al terms.

“They journeyed down to Washington, D.C., with stars in their eyes and wanting to help our nation...They went back home in tatters!” Trump continued.

Although a number of young aides have left Trump’s White House — notably his former communicat­ions director Hope Hicks — most have departed as a result of the fierce infighting among administra­tion factions, not because of the investigat­ion into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and any possible Trump campaign involvemen­t and whether the president obstructed justice.

Trump’s focus on the investigat­ion — even on a weekend typically reserved for mourning soldiers who died in combat — underscore­d the degree to which the issue continues to obsess and frustrate the president, who believes it is an effort to delegitimi­ze his presidency. His chief of staff, John Kelly, told National Public Radio this month that Trump is “somewhat embarrasse­d” by the string of investigat­ions.

One continuing issue has been whether Trump will sit for questionin­g by special counsel Robert Mueller. The president’s lawyer and close adviser Rudy Giuliani, appearing on CNN on Sunday, declined to say directly.

Giuliani said Mueller’s office, which has been negotiatin­g the parameters of a potential sit-down, would probably limit questions to those involving whether the campaign colluded with Russian agents and whether Trump tried to obstruct the investigat­ion.

“The collusion part, we are pretty comfortabl­e with because there has been none,” Giuliani said. “The obstructio­n part, I’m not as comfortabl­e with — I’m not. The president’s fine with it. He’s innocent.”

“I’m not comfortabl­e because it’s a matter of interpreta­tion” including how one views Trump’s rationale for firing FBI Director James Comey in the midst of the probe last year, Giuliani said.

Giuliani continued to try to help Trump undermine the investigat­ion’s credibilit­y, a strategy that has helped Trump turn more Republican­s against it.

Asked whether he thought the investigat­ion is legitimate, Giuliani said “not anymore. I did when I came in.”

Trump continued his campaign over the weekend of trying to sow distrust in the probe by calling Mueller’s team of attorneys “13 Angry Democrats (& those who worked for President O.”

In fact, Mueller is a Republican and not all of the political affiliatio­ns of his team are known. Mueller was named FBI director by President George W. Bush in 2001 and stayed on during the Obama administra­tion until 2013.

Trump also repeated his allegation that the FBI’s use of informants amounted to spying on his campaign.

“With Spies, or ‘Informants’ as the Democrats like to call them because it sounds less sinister (but it’s not), all over my campaign, even from a very early date, why didn’t the crooked highest levels of the FBI or ‘Justice’ contact me to tell me of the phony Russia problem?” Trump asked in one tweet.

Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida pushed back against that claim while appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” calling it appropriat­e to investigat­e a foreign adversary’s potential interferen­ce with the democratic process.

The FBI appeared to be investigat­ing “certain individual­s who have a history that we should be suspicious of” rather than the campaign itself, he said.

“When individual­s like that are in the orbit of a major political campaign in America, the FBI, who is in charge of counterint­elligence investigat­ions, should look at people like that,” Rubio said. “But they’re not investigat­ing the campaign. They’re investigat­ing those people.”

Trump’s attacks on the media over the weekend may have been his most baffling.

In one of two Saturday tweets directed at the New York Times, Trump falsely claimed that one of its sources “doesn’t exist.” The paper quoted an administra­tion official saying that reinstatin­g a planned summit between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on the scheduled date, June 12, would be logistical­ly impossible.

“WRONG AGAIN!” Trump tweeted. “Use real people, not phony sources.”

In fact, the source was not fake. He was a senior official who briefed reporters Thursday in a session set up by the White House press office, which set ground rules requiring that reporters not use his name. Whether Trump was aware of that is not known — he often seems unaware of the work his staff does.

Trump, in calling the official “phony,” was not only stating a falsehood and accusing the New York Times of making up a source, he was also compromisi­ng his officials’ ability to speak on his behalf.

 ?? J. DAVID AKE/AP 2017 ?? President Trump accused the New York Times of making up a source, who was in fact a White House spokesman.
J. DAVID AKE/AP 2017 President Trump accused the New York Times of making up a source, who was in fact a White House spokesman.

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