Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Musk’s tweet could be bad for business

Tesla stock fell following CEO’s ‘pedo’ remark

- By Tom Krisher

Whether it’s investors betting against his stock or reporters or analysts who ask tough questions, Elon Musk has fought back, often around the clock on Twitter.

In the past few months, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO has become a bigger presence on social media. But when Musk called a British diver involved in the Thailand cave rescue a pedophile in front of 22.2 million Twitter followers Sunday, he may have gone one tweet too far.

The tweet, later deleted, sent investors away from Tesla stock and could expose the temperamen­tal rocket scientist to a libel suit. In the tweets, Musk strayed from a vigorous defense of his companies into personal insult, with no facts to back it up.

“This has nothing to do with defending Tesla,” said Erik Gordon, a business and law professor at the University of Michigan. “This goes over a line where he can’t claim ‘Well, my big sin is that I go too far in defending the company.’ ”

British diver Vern Unsworth criticized Musk and SpaceX engineers for sending a small submarine to help divers rescue the 12 Thai soccer players and their coach from a flooded cave. The submarine was not used. Unsworth called it a “PR stunt” and said it wouldn’t have worked anyway.

Musk responded with a tweet branding Unsworth a “pedo.” In a second tweet, Musk said he bet the claim was true. Unsworth told CNN he is considerin­g legal action.

A Tesla spokeswoma­n wouldn’t comment on the tweets.

For the first four months of the year, Musk was averaging about 100 tweets per month. But the tweets spiked to about 400 per month starting in May as Musk was under pressure to increase production of the Model 3 lower-priced electric car, which starts at $35,000.

As the spike occurred, Musk gained thousands of Twitter followers. He has almost half as many as President Donald Trump, who likewise attacks his critics with relish on Twitter.

Mark Spiegel, an outspoken hedge fund manager who has been betting on Tesla’s stock falling for years, said the tweets are showing Musk’s fans his true personalit­y.

The company, which has had only two profitable quarters, is deep in debt and will have trouble meeting Musk’s prediction of a profit in the second half of this year, Spiegel said.

“It’s all based around this rabid Elon Musk fan base. Once that fan base starts to see what kind of person they’ve been worshippin­g, they will turn on a dime,” he said.

Spiegel likened Musk to Trump, saying the two men have an “amazing amount of personalit­y defects in common.”

Previous comparison­s with Trump have angered Musk. This spring, critic Andrew J. Hawkins tweeted that Musk was transformi­ng into a “mediabaiti­ng Trump figure screaming irrational­ly about fake news.”

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