Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Trump to boost farmers

By Ken Thomas, Paul Wiseman and Lisa Mascaro Payments to offset pain of tariffs U.S. levied on China, EU


America’s farmers and ranchers, hurt by U.S. tariffs on Chinese and EU trade partners, will get $12 billion of federal relief, the U.S. Agricultur­e Department said. Still, some Republican­s criticized the plan, saying farmers need open markets, not financial aid.

WASHINGTON — The Trump administra­tion announced Tuesday it will provide $12 billion in emergency relief to ease the pain of American farmers slammed by President Donald Trump’s escalating trade disputes with China and other countries.

However, some farmstate Republican­s quickly dismissed the plan, declaring that farmers want markets for their crops, not payoffs for lost sales and lower prices.

The Agricultur­e Department said it would tap an existing program to provide billions in direct payments to farmers and ranchers hurt by foreign retaliatio­n to Trump’s tariffs.

With congressio­nal elections coming soon, the government action underscore­d administra­tion concern about damage to U.S. farmers from Trump’s trade tariffs and the potential for losing House and Senate seats in the Midwest and elsewhere.

The administra­tion said the program was just temporary.

“This is a short-term solution that will give President Trump and his administra­tion the time to work on long-term trade deals,” said Agricultur­e Secretary Sonny Perdue as administra­tion officials argued that the plan was not a “bailout” of the nation’s farmers.

But that provided little solace to Republican­s, who said the tariffs are simply taxes and warned the action would open a Pandora’s box for other economic sectors.

“I want to know what we’re going to say to the automobile manufactur­ers and the petrochemi­cal manufactur­ers and all the other people who are being hurt by tariffs,” said Sen. John Kennedy, R-La. “You’ve got to treat everybody the same.”

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., said the plan would spend billions on “gold crutches,” adding, “America’s farmers don’t want to be paid to lose — they want to win by feeding the world. This administra­tion’s tariffs and bailouts aren’t going to make America great again, they’re just going to make it 1929 again.”

The program is expected to start taking effect around Labor Day. Officials said the direct payments could help producers of soybeans, which have been hit hard by retaliatio­n to the Trump tariffs, along with sorghum, corn, wheat, cotton, dairy and farmers raising hogs.

The food purchased from farmers would include some types of fruits, nuts, rice, legumes, dairy products, beef and pork, officials said.

Trump did not specifical­ly reference the plan during a speech to veterans in Kansas City, but asked for patience as he attempts to renegotiat­e trade agreements that he said have hurt American workers.

“We’re making tremendous progress. They’re all coming. They don’t want to have those tariffs put on them,” Trump told the Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention. “We’re opening up markets. You watch what’s going to happen. Just be a little patient.”

Trump also mocked the agricultur­e industry’s extensive efforts to persuade him to change course. “They have some of the greatest lobbying teams ever put together,” he said, taking pride in his unwillingn­ess to be convinced. Ultimately, Trump argued, farmers “will be the biggest beneficiar­y” of his policies.

Agricultur­e officials said they would not need congressio­nal approval and the money would come through the Commodity Credit Corp., a wing of the department that addresses agricultur­al prices.

The officials said payments couldn’t be calculated until after harvests come in. Brad Karmen, the USDA’s assistant deputy administra­tor for farm programs, noted that the wheat harvest is already in, so wheat farmers could get payments sooner than other growers.

Soybeans are likely to be the largest sector affected by the programs. Soybean prices have plunged 18 percent in the past two months.

Trump declared earlier Tuesday that “Tariffs are the greatest!” and threatened to impose additional penalties on U.S. trading partners as he prepared for negotiatio­ns with European officials at the White House.

Tariffs are taxes on imports. They are meant to protect domestic businesses and put foreign competitor­s at a disadvanta­ge.

The Trump administra­tion has slapped tariffs on $34 billion in Chinese goods in a dispute over Beijing’s high-tech industrial policies. China has retaliated with duties on soybeans and pork, affecting Midwest farmers in a region of the country that supported the president in his 2016 campaign.

Trump has threatened to place penalty taxes on up to $500 billion in products imported from China, a move that would dramatical­ly ratchet up the stakes in the trade dispute involving the globe’s biggest economies.

The moves have been unsettling to lawmakers with districts dependent upon manufactur­ers and farmers affected by the retaliator­y tariffs.

Sen. Jerry Moran, RKan., said the proposal was raised a month ago when senators visited the White House for a broad discussion on trade. He said the lawmakers told the president “that our farmers want markets, and not really a payment from government. And (Trump) said, ‘I’m surprised; I’ve never heard of anybody who didn’t want a payment from government.’ ”

 ?? DEREK R. HENKLE/GETTY-AFP ?? Farmer Terry Davidson walks through his soy bean fields in Harvard, Ill. Davidson could receive payments to offset losses from tariffs.
DEREK R. HENKLE/GETTY-AFP Farmer Terry Davidson walks through his soy bean fields in Harvard, Ill. Davidson could receive payments to offset losses from tariffs.

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