Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Toss sneak attack on public schools

- By Sun Sentinel Editorial Board Editorials are the opinion of the Sun Sentinel Editorial Board and written by one of its members or a designee. The Editorial Board consists of Editorial Page Editor Rosemary O’Hara, Andy Reid and Editor-in-Chief Julie Ande

A constituti­onal amendment that would harm public education in Florida shouldn’t be on the November ballot. A Tallahasse­e judge can make that happen.

Last week, the Florida League of Women Voters filed a lawsuit challengin­g the legality of a proposal from the state Constituti­on Revision Commission. The lawsuit correctly alleges that the ballot title and summary of Revision 8, which is all the public would see, would mislead voters and conceal the proposal’s true intent.

Revision 8 actually is a package of three proposals. It would set eight-year term limits for school board members and encourage the teaching of civics. Attorney Ron Meyer, who represents the plaintiffs, said the wording “shows off the sparkly things and hides the mud.”

That mud is the third item: a change that would allow the state, not local school districts, to authorize charter schools. Commission members surely put that item last in hopes of sneaking it past voters.

The title says only: “School Board Term Limits and Duties; Public Schools.” The ballot summary says: “The amendment maintains a school board’s duties to public schools it establishe­s, but permits the state to operate, control, and supervise public schools not establishe­d by the school board.”

As Meyer said, that wording “clouds the issue.” Voters would not understand how significan­t the change would be and the threat it poses to traditiona­l public schools.

Under current law, local school districts must authorize local charter schools, which use public money but are often operated by for-profit companies. Current law also says local school districts must supervise charter schools. Ample reporting in Broward and Palm Beach counties has shown the need for such oversight, given the mismanagem­ent of some charter schools that have misspent public money.

If this proposal were to pass, however, school districts could only supervise existing charter schools. They would have no say-so in the creation of new charter schools, even if those schools would be unnecessar­y or fail to offer the sort of innovative teaching today’s rules require.

This sneak attack comes one year after the Legislatur­e, in House Bill 7069, began requiring school districts to share constructi­on and maintenanc­e money with charters. Supporters had said for years that charters wouldn’t need such money. A separate lawsuit challengin­g HB 7069 lost at trial and is on appeal.

The stealth amendment represents the latest attempt to privatize public education in Florida. The political tracks are clear.

HB 7069 was the top priority for House Speaker Richard Corcoran, RLand O’Lakes, during the 2017 legislativ­e session. Corcoran’s wife founded a charter school in Pasco County.

In 2017, Corcoran made Collier County School Board member Erika Donalds one of his nine appointmen­ts to the Constituti­on Revision Commission. Donalds helped to start a charter school in Naples. The school just got permission to expand in Martin County with help from a Donalds ally on the school board.

As a commission member, Donalds sponsored the charter school proposal and approved the wording. In an op-ed for The Miami Herald, she made a patriotic argument for ending public accountabi­lity.

“Like most Floridians,” she wrote, “I believe in local control. But local control should never trump individual rights – including the right of parents to access the best possible schools for their children. Parents should hold the ultimate local control.”

In fact, this amendment is about total control for charter schools. Operators already can appeal to a state panel if a school district denies their applicatio­n. The Legislatur­e would likely create a rubber-stamp approval process for any charter school and remove requiremen­ts for standardiz­ed tests. For-profit companies could then set up in affluent areas and pick off students.

After the commission approved Revision 8, supporters opened a political action committee called 8isGreat. Not surprising­ly, the first contributi­ons came from entities tied to charter schools. The Republican Party of Florida also donated $100,000 last week.

Donalds’ background underscore­s the political bent behind Revision 8. She co-founded and was president of the Florida Coalition of School Board Members, which positions itself separately from the Florida School Board Associatio­n that advocates for traditiona­l public schools. As a school board member, Donalds said schools could teach intelligen­t design and evolution “alongside each other without violating the Constituti­on.”

The Constituti­on Revision Commission does not have to follow the single-subject rule required of petition drives for constituti­onal proposals. But it does have to fairly inform voters “in clear and unambiguou­s language” about the “chief purpose of the revision.”

Revision 8 does not even mention charter schools. Backers want the appeal of term limits and the feel-good idea of civics education to hide that chief purpose. The courts should see through this ploy and strike Revision 8 from the ballot.

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