Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Spritz has the skills to keep district GOP red


Matt Spritz and Mike Caruso, the two candidates in the District 89 GOP primary, apparently never heard of President Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandmen­t: “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

Accusation­s and recriminat­ions have been flying in both directions with each candidate assaulting the other’s character and questionin­g his competency and motives.

In a recent joint appearance before the Sun Sentinel Editorial Board, the Marquis of Queensbury rules went out the window in the first five minutes and the dialogue between the two devolved into something resembling a verbal “cage fight.”

After sorting through the invective, examining the candidates’ background and assessing their stances on the issues, the board decided to recommend that GOP voters choose Spritiz in the Aug. 28 primary. The endorsemen­t comes with the suggestion that both candidates tone down the volume a bit. A continuati­on of the blood feud will only hurt the eventual nominee’s chances of holding the seat for Republican­s in the November general election. (Republican Rep. Bill Hager is stepping down because of term limits.)

Spritz, 35, has taken a circuitous route to his candidacy in the district that runs along the Palm Beach County coastline. He grew up in South Florida, graduated with honors from Emory University in Atlanta and obtained a law degree from NYU. He worked at law firms in New York and Miami before joining in 2015 a top firm in West Palm Beach.

Within a year, he had resigned to join the staff of Republican Florida Rep. Bob Rommel of Naples as a legislativ­e aide. The career path, from top law firm to legislativ­e aide, is far from typical. Spritz, however, says that the experience has proven invaluable by giving him firsthand knowledge of how the legislativ­e system works. He also says it has enabled him to develop relationsh­ips that will serve him well as a lawmaker.

There’s something to that claim. Spritz has a long list of endorsemen­ts from state and local political figures, past and present, including former U.S. Sen. George LeMieux. He’s also captured the endorsemen­ts of some major organizati­ons, including Associated Industries of Florida, the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, the Florida Fraternal Order of Police, and the Palm Beach County Medical Society.

While many Republican are loathe to buck the National Rifle Associatio­n, Spritz says he would have voted for the gun legislatio­n passed by the Legislatur­e following the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre — legislatio­n the NRA opposed. He also supports improved background checks to keep guns out of the hands of people with a history of mental illness.

Showing a bit of a libertaria­n bent, Spritz says he would support legalizati­on of marijuana for recreation­al use once the federal government removes its restrictio­ns on the substance.

Opioid use, however, is another story. He supports stricter regulation of opioid prescripti­ons. And he would support strong measures against fraud and abuse by recovery centers and so-called “sober homes.”

Spritz for the most part praises Florida for a good business climate, but says steps must be taken to reduce the litigious nature of the state, which he says hurts efforts to attract companies to Florida. That’s good to hear, especially coming from an attorney.

Caruso, 60, a long time resident of Delray Beach, says he’s an outsider willing to fight the status quo. As a forensic CPA his talents might be useful in keeping tabs on the state budget. Spritz, however, seems to have the people and political skills needed to get things done in Tallahasse­e.

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