Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Trump, the press isn’t the ‘enemy’

- Editorials are the opinion of the Sun Sentinel Editorial Board and written by one of its members or a designee. The Editorial Board consists of Editorial Page Editor Rosemary O’Hara, Andy Reid and Editor-in-Chief Julie Anderson.

President Donald Trump uses this nation’s highest office to attack one of our country’s core principles, and it has to stop.

A free press, empowered by the First Amendment, serves as a watchdog over every level of American government, from City Hall to the White House.

By labeling news reports he disagrees with as “fake news,” the president is trying to discredit the journalist­s this country relies on to keep watch and inform.

And even worse, President Trump demonizes journalist­s, calling them the “enemy of the American people” and “dangerous and sick.”

A president criticizin­g the press is nothing new. But a president trying to escape scrutiny by declaring the press the nation’s enemy goes too far.

The South Florida Sun Sentinel Editorial Board is joining others across the country to call on President Trump to stop his assault on the free press.

The president attempting to damage the credibilit­y of the press by calling journalist­s the enemy also risks putting them in danger.

The country is still reeling from a gunman killing five people at the Capital Gazette in Maryland. Trump continuing to call the press the “enemy” could incite more violence against journalist­s.

The president’s rhetoric also increases the danger to journalist­s, and journalism, worldwide. Dictators are emboldened by our president’s talk about the press being the enemy of the people.

President Trump’s anti-press statements are “close” to inciting violence against journalist­s, the United Nations high commission­er for human rights said Monday.

“We began to see a campaign against the media … that could have potentiall­y, and still can, set in motion a chain of events which could quite easily lead to harm being inflicted on journalist­s just going about their work and potentiall­y some self-censorship,” Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, a Jordanian prince and diplomat, told The Guardian. “And in that context, it’s getting very close to incitement to violence.”

Our country’s leader shouldn’t be making it easier for dictators to harass and silence journalist­s in places where freedom of the press remains a dream.

Back at home, the president who two years after beating Hillary Clinton still revels in chants of “Lock her up!” shouldn’t try to make the press another enemy for his crowds.

Trump’s attack on journalism reaches beyond the national press that follows the president. “Fake news” is becoming a term lobbed by anyone who wants to discredit reporting that conflicts with their beliefs or self-interests.

But this country needs good reporting now more than ever.

Concerns about election meddling, racial injustice, the dangers of climate change, the future of health care — those issues won’t go away by the president demeaning the journalist­s who pursue them.

And locally, reporting about school safety threats, failing infrastruc­ture, sea level rise and other issues are too important to be dismissed as “fake news.” With elections looming, voters need and deserve more answers about where candidates stand on the issues so they can make informed decisions.

The scrutiny, answers and accountabi­lity that can come from good reporting are made possible by the First Amendment to the Constituti­on, which the president, at his inaugurati­on, swore to defend.

Good journalist­s can handle the criticisms that come in reaction to good journalism.

Exposing wrongdoing, questionin­g authority, probing complicate­d issues — that triggers backlash from those in charge as well as others who blame the messengers for the “bad” news in the world.

The criticisms often come from all sides of an issue, with some complainin­g that the reporting goes too far and others arguing it doesn’t go far enough. That’s usually when we know our reporting got closest to the truth.

Despite the president’s “fake news” mantra, accuracy remains the primary mission for journalist­s.

Even in the age of a news cycle amplified by social media, getting the story right is more important than getting it first.

When journalist­s get the story wrong, we say so — running a correction or retraction to set the record straight and working harder to do better the next time. Can this president say the same thing?

The press isn’t America’s enemy, Mr. President, it’s America’s watchdog.

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