Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

We need to understand Electoral College

- James Salerno, Plantation

I hope we have seen the last of the letters criticizin­g the Electoral College because Hillary Clinton lost the election. It is surprising since Mrs. Clinton had the best of the best planning for her. They as well as she knew how the system works. It is the reason she was so sure she would win.

Her biggest problem was she knew her side so well she couldn’t relate to enough Americans to come up with a broad coalition. She labeled herself an elite, she appealed to the elite and she insulted quite a few voters. Her appeal to the elite was bipartisan. Many limo driving Republican­s were on her side just like the wealthy Democrats.

The Electoral College did what it was supposed to do. It spread out the power among the states. This prevents one state or region from imposing its will on the rest of the country. The Electoral College is but one mechanism in our Constituti­on that prevents democracy from destroying itself. It forces the majority to deal respectful­ly with the minority on issues. Mrs. Clinton was worse at that than Mr. Trump.

It is imperative that we understand why our country has been so successful. It is not because of socialism. It is because of capitalism and our Constituti­onal Republic. Freedom brings innovation and success. Socialism requires stifling control.

Please understand our freedom is innate. Government­s do not grant freedom they can only limit freedom. So before criticizin­g the system that has allowed freedom to grow and provide prosperity, please take a moment to understand it.

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