Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

A new breed of pirates

Political, economic turmoil is sparking criminal activity in the Caribbean

- By Anthony Faiola

CEDROS, Trinidad and Tobago — Centuries after Blackbeard’s cannons fell silent and the Jolly Roger came down from rum ports across the Caribbean, the region is confrontin­g a new and less romanticiz­ed era of pirates.

Political and economic crises are exploding from Venezuela to Nicaragua to Haiti, sparking anarchy and criminalit­y. As the rule of law breaks down, certain spots in the Caribbean, experts say, are becoming more dangerous than they’ve been in years.

Often, observers say, the acts of villainy appear to be happening with the complicity or direct involvemen­t of corrupt officials — particular­ly in the waters off collapsing Venezuela.

“It’s criminal chaos, a free-for-all, along the Venezuelan coast,” said Jeremy McDermott, co-director of Insight Crime, a nonprofit organizati­on that studies organized crime in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Comprehens­ive data on piracy is largely lacking for Latin America and the Caribbean. But a two-year study by the nonprofit Oceans Beyond Piracy recorded 71 major incidents in the region in 2017 — including robberies of merchant vessels and attacks on yachts — up 163 percent from the previous year. The vast majority happened in Caribbean waters. The incidents range from glorified muggings on the high seas to barbaric attacks worthy of 17th-century pirates.

In April, for instance, masked men boarded four fishing boats floating 30 miles off the coast of Guyana. The crews, according to survivors’ accounts, were doused with hot oil, hacked with machetes and thrown overboard, then their boats were stolen. Of the 20 victims, five survived; the rest died or were left unaccounte­d for.

David Granger, the president of Guyana, decried the attack as a “massacre.” Guyanese authoritie­s have suggested it could have been linked to gang violence in neighborin­g Suriname.

“They said they would take the boat and that everyone should jump overboard,” survivor Deonarine Goberdhan, 47, told Reuters. After being beaten and thrown in the sea, he said, “I tried to keep my head above water so I could get air. I drank a lot of salt water. I looked to the stars and moon. I just hoped and prayed.”

There have been reports of piracy over the past 18 months near Honduras, Nicaragua, Haiti and St. Lucia. But nowhere has the surge been more notable, analysts say, than off the coast of Venezuela.

An economic crisis in the South American country has sent inflation soaring toward 1 million percent, making food and medicine scarce. Malnutriti­on is spreading; disease is rampant; water and power grids are failing from a lack of trained staff and spare parts. Police and military are abandoning their posts as their paychecks become nearly worthless. Under the socialist government of President Nicolas Maduro, repression and corruption have increased.

The conditions are compelling some Venezuelan­s to take desperate action.

One Venezuelan port official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to address official corruption, said that Venezuelan coast guard officers have been boarding anchored vessels and demanding money and food. He said commercial ships, in response, are increasing­ly anchoring farther off the coast, and turning off their motors and lights to avoid being seen at night. It doesn’t always work. In July, one vessel from the local company Conferry, which offers freight services to nearby Venezuelan islands, was raided by three men brandishin­g knives and guns near the port of Guanta. Four crew members were left tied up for hours while food and electronic­s were stolen. In January in Puerto La Cruz, also on the northeast coast, seven armed burglars boarded an anchored tanker. They tied up the vessel’s guard, then robbed its stores. Similar incidents have been reported in the months since, according to the Commercial Crime Services division of the Londonbase­d Internatio­nal Chamber of Commerce.

Trinidad and Tobago, an island nation of 1.4 million people within eyeshot of the Venezuelan coast, has long worried about crime emanating from its neighbor. Since the 1990s, drug smugglers have shipped marijuana and Colombian cocaine from Venezuelan ports to Trinidad, and from there to other Caribbean countries and beyond.

Traffickin­g and piracy, locals say, have recently been expanding and becoming more violent. Five Trinidadia­n fishermen in the southern port of Cedros, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing fear for their safety, said in interviews that they had witnessed a burst of Venezuelan boats arriving in recent months smuggling military-issue guns as well as drugs, women and exotic animals.

“Sometimes, those Venezuelan­s are willing to trade the guns and animals for food,” said one 41-year-old fisherman.

Another fisherman said he was held for hours in January by Spanish-speaking pirates while his brother was contacted to pay a $500 ransom.

A Trinidadia­n coast guard vessel was dispatched to patrol the waters this year after several high-profile incidents of smuggling and piracy. But locals say the criminals simply wait until the patrol passes, and then they act.

Trinidadia­n authoritie­s did not respond to requests for comment.

Opposition politician­s, however, are decrying a surge in piracy. They also say that the flow of automatic weapons from Venezuela is contributi­ng to a swelling homicide rate in Trinidad.

“This reminds me of how the problems started off the coast of eastern Africa,” said Roodal Moonilal, a lawmaker from the opposition United National Congress party, referring to a sharp rise in ship hijackings off the coast of lawless Somalia several years ago. “What we’re seeing — the piracy, the smuggling — it’s the result of Venezuela’s political and economic collapse.”

For those who make their living plying the warm waters of the Caribbean, piracy is a new source of fear. These days, locals are fishing closer to shore, and sometimes at night, to avoid the risk of attacks.

Rachelle Krygier contribute­d to this report.

 ?? JAHI CHIKWENDIU/WASHINGTON POST ?? A Trinidadia­n coast guard vessel patrols the Gulf of Paria between Trinidad and the east coast of Venezuela, a spot that has become increasing­ly dangerous amid political and economic crises.
JAHI CHIKWENDIU/WASHINGTON POST A Trinidadia­n coast guard vessel patrols the Gulf of Paria between Trinidad and the east coast of Venezuela, a spot that has become increasing­ly dangerous amid political and economic crises.

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