Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Doctors: Opioid mandate onerous

New state law cuts time, funds

- By Naseem S. Miller Staff writer

When Dr. Pamela Trout, a pediatrici­an and a solo practition­er, heard about the state’s new opioid law, she didn’t worry because she rarely prescribes opioids.

But then she learned the law, which went into effect July 1, covers more than just opioids.

Almost all medication­s that are classified as Schedule II through V drugs, including steroids; antiseizur­e medication­s; stimulants like Adderall, Ritalin and ADHD medication­s; Ambien and Xanax are included in the law.

The Controlled Substances law doesn’t put a limit on the prescripti­on of nonopioid drugs.

But it adds a new requiremen­t for doctors to check a statewide database when prescribin­g from a list of more than 100 scheduled drugs before putting a pen to the prescripti­on pad.

And while many doctors agree that the law is a step in the right direction to reduce the availabili­ty of opioids, they also find its mandates

onerous and time-consuming.

“The number of patients that I see that are on ADHD medication­s that I refill every day is crazy,” said Trout, of Orlando. “It is more regulation and more consequenc­es for something that we already did pretty smoothly. It just adds to the work for the day, and I don’t think it’s necessary for my patients.”

Florida is now one of two dozen states to have passed legislatio­n related to prescripti­on of opioids. It’s part of a nationwide effort to curb the opioid epidemic that’s killing more than 115 people each day.

The laws vary from state to state. In Florida, it places a three- and sevenday limit on the prescripti­on of opioids for acute pain. It also requires that health providers check the state’s prescripti­on drug monitoring program before writing a new prescripti­on for most controlled substances for patients who are 16 and older.

Called E-FORCSE, Florida’s prescripti­on drug database was created by the Legislatur­e in 2009 to encourage safer prescribin­g of controlled substances. The database collects and stores scheduled drug prescripti­ons, which are mainly dispensed by pharmacist­s. The database can help providers identify patients who are “doctor shopping.”

Under the new law, providers who fail to check the database can suffer penalties, including a disciplina­ry action against their licenses.

Local health systems have launched massive education campaigns for their staff and patients about the new law, emphasizin­g mostly limitation­s on opioid prescripti­ons, to prepare the patients for what they should expect when they see their doctors.

On Aug. 6, the state Department of Health made live Take Control, an educationa­l website to educate the public about the new law.

“The department is committed to working with patients and the health-care community to clear up any possible confusion about the new law to ensure that patients are able to obtain and fill necessary prescripti­ons for pain medication,” Dr. Celeste Philip, State Surgeon General and Secretary, said in a news release.

More than a month after the law went into effect, Dr. Benjamin Kaplan, an internal medicine doctor in Orlando, calculated the financial cost of the legislatio­n in his practice.

“You should be very careful when prescribin­g opioids. I get it and I know that,” he said. “But making a blanket statement affecting all physicians in the state of Florida, that’s a big deal without really knowing the true validity of that decision.”

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