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Audit warns 840 French bridges at risk


PARIS — An audit commission­ed by the French government says about 840 French bridges are suffering from serious damage and at risk of collapse in the coming several years.

President Emmanuel Macron’s government had already promised new infrastruc­ture spending, but is coming under new pressure after Tuesday’s bridge collapse in neighborin­g Italy that killed 43 people.

The audit, published Sunday by the Journal du Dimanche newspaper, says a third of the 12,000 government-maintained bridges need repairs. About 7 percent, or about 840 bridges, present a “risk of collapse” in the coming years if spending is kept at current levels, the audit says.

The audit doesn’t address thousands of other French bridges maintained by private companies or local authoritie­s.

The government released a summary of the audit last month, blaming previous administra­tions for inconsiste­nt and inadequate road funding, and saying the growth of traffic and increasing episodes of extreme weather have worsened the problem.

Transport Minister Elisabeth Borne told broadcaste­r Franceinfo last week that bridge “maintenanc­e is our priority” and announced plans for a 1 billion-euro ($1.14 billion) plan to “save the nation’s roads,” including bridges and tunnels. She reiterated plans for a new infrastruc­ture law after the summer holidays.

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