Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Net neutrality rules deserve the nation’s attention, again

- By Patricia Ford Patricia Ford is a former executive vice president of the Service Employees Internatio­nal Union.

In a zero-attention-span society, even the most important issues slip out of mind when they drop from the headlines or get bumped from cable news. It’s happening right now with net neutrality — a critical issue that affects everyone who uses the internet that seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.

Last December, the Trump administra­tion repealed President Obama’s net neutrality rules, setting off a firestorm of media attention and — if only briefly — focusing national attention on the need for clear rules ensuring that no internet company can block unpopular websites or unaffiliat­ed services or otherwise discrimina­te online.

There was then a brief effort to revive the rules through a highly partisan longshot approach called the “CRA” that made some headway in the Senate but was always, as its sponsors knew too well, dead on arrival in the House of Representa­tives.

While well intentione­d, it’s no surprise this CRA tactic could not gain a foothold. It fetishized an anachronis­tic “public utility” approach to net neutrality that many regarded as gratuitous overkill for a largely unregulate­d internet and a buzzkill for new investment. It also oddly paid worship to administra­tive regulation­s that change with every new administra­tion rather than a permanent Congressio­nal law. Even if it had succeeded, the Trump FCC could have altered them again. It’s kind of like that game of infinite regression.

In the meantime, the news cycle has churned on and net neutrality is like a forgotten summer romance. Many have started to believe it was all hype, drummed up by the profession­al consultant class to burnish their brands and raise funds, as the internet providers themselves have pledged to live by the rules even in their absence. Making sure they do now falls to the FTC as the honesty-inadvertis­ing cop on the beat.

As much as we should celebrate consensus — and there seems to be widespread agreement on net neutrality now — legislatio­n still seems to be the obvious coda. Legislatio­n is a kind of “trust but verify” insurance policy against a future provider that may want to, say, favor its new streaming service over those of, say, Netflix or Disney. But there are other reasons too — interferin­g with internet traffic to increase profits is not just a salon-dinner theoretica­l conversati­on about future misbehavio­r by internet providers, it’s a current day way-of-life for the Internet’s new gilded monopolies like Facebook and Google.

Those companies that collect and profile our data and decide what we can see and where we can go online pose a greater risk of censorship and manipulati­on of our data than anyone. Washington’s big thinkers in technology have come to the party late — after months of front page stories of how these companies facilitate election interferen­ce, hate, and civic chaos and marketplac­e tyranny that is stripminin­g our news, retail and creative industries.

Many of these leaders are now demanding that that net neutrality cover these Big Tech monopolies as well as internet providers — something only a new law from Congress can effectivel­y ensure. It would seem obvious to anyone watching the disintegra­tion of the internet that there is a crisis too big to corporate promises or overworked regulators. Net neutrality for all goes to the basic ability of citizens to connect and communicat­e, to find meaningful informatio­n, to organize and participat­e in the political process in a fair and open way.

On a bipartisan basis, congressio­nal inaction conjures images of Nero fiddling while the internet burns. There is little disagreeme­nt about net neutrality widely applied and little disagreeme­nt about reining in abuses that lead to the Russia scandal, among others. It’s up to party leadership on both sides to prove, contrary to growing populist sentiment in both camps, that they are not made up of decaying old politician­s but rather modern problem solvers up to the task of protecting the most important communicat­ions medium of our time.

Poll after poll shows that this is what the public wants by large margins. But the permanent Washington set has been more interested in trying to leverage these poll numbers to make political hay. But that’s the politics of cynicism that only fuels resentment of Washington and the spoilation of the internet.

There is a huge middle ground available here and a real opportunit­y for the kind of common sense problem solving Americans routinely tell pollsters what they want. It’ll only happen if we drop the political jawboning and get on with the peoples’ business.

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