Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Lawsuit challenges Scott’s Supreme Court picks, again

- By Gray Rohrer Tallahasse­e Bureau

TALLAHASSE­E – In a move that could determine the political balance of the Florida Supreme Court, two advocacy groups sued Republican Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday, contending he doesn’t have the power to appoint three justices to replace three members who must retire on the same day Scott’s term expires.

The justices rejected a similar previous suit as not ready for review because Scott hadn’t yet acted on the appointmen­ts. But last week Scott moved to convene the Judicial Nominating Commission to vet and recommend nominees, an action the League of Women Voters and Common Cause say oversteps his authority.

The state Constituti­on requires justices to retire once they turn 70 but allows them to finish a six-year term if they’ve already served half of it. As a result, Justices Barbara Pariente, Peggy Quince and Fred Lewis must retire by midnight Jan. 7, 2019, the same time Scott’s term ends.

The retiring justices make up three votes on the 4-3 liberal majority on the court. If Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee for governor, wins in November, it could set up a clash over which governor gets to make the appointmen­ts.

GOP nominee Ron DeSantis has stated he would have the power to make the appointmen­ts if he wins, but as a fellow Republican interested in naming conservati­ve justices to the bench, he would be expected to work with Scott on the appointmen­ts.

John Mills, attorney for the League, cited Article 5, Section 11 of the constituti­on, which states that “nomination­s shall be made within thirty days from the occurrence of a vacancy.”

“There’s not going to be a vacancy until January,” Mills said. “So [the JNC] does not have the authority to make nomination­s now.”

In calling the JNC to meet to make recommenda­tions, Scott said he would invite the governor-elect to interview the nominees. Pointing to 1998, when Gov. Lawton Chiles, a Democrat, and Gov.-elect Jeb Bush, a Republican, agreed to jointly appoint Quince.

“It’s disappoint­ing that these partisan groups filed a politicall­y motivated lawsuit that would create three prolonged vacancies on the Florida Supreme Court, contrary to all historical practice,” said Scott spokesman John Tupps. “The governor is following precedent set by Governor Chiles and has said in good faith that his expectatio­n is that he and the governor-elect will agree on the selection of three new justices.”

Under state law, the JNC, a nine-member panel with five appointees of the governor and four appointees of the Florida Bar, reviews applicatio­ns of candidates, conducts interviews and makes recommenda­tions to the governor. The panel must submit at least three names for considerat­ion.

Regardless of the lawsuit, the JNC will move ahead with its schedule for reviewing candidates, said its chairman Jason Unger, a Scott appointee.

“We have a constituti­onal and a legal duty to move forward,” Unger said.

Applicatio­ns for the appointmen­ts are due Oct. 8, and Unger said the commission is looking at interviewi­ng candidates the first week of November.

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