Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Goren Bridge

- Bob Jones Email responses may be sent to gorenbridg­

What would you bid, if anything, with the East hand in today’s deal? The exciting

6-4 distributi­on seems to call for some action, but don’t get carried away. This is not a very good hand, after all. Bidding three spades is fine if partner is going to carry on with a raise to four spades. But what if partner is all in after his take out double? Perhaps you should bid four diamonds, instead, as it might be easier to take 10 tricks in diamonds than take nine tricks in spades. Also, what if the opponents compete to four hearts and partner is on lead? Then you surely want to bid diamonds.

After the given auction,

West led the six of spades, his partner’s suit. Curtains! South rose with dummy’s queen, led a spade to his ace, and then exited with a diamond. West won and continued with a spade, ruffed by South. The last diamond was ruffed in dummy, and the ace and king of hearts drew the trumps. A club to declarer’s seven now end-played West, who had to yield a ruff-sluff or set up the king of clubs.

Note that four hearts will certainly fail after a diamond lead from West at trick one. Getting up your courage to make an aggressive bid is often a good thing but think about the possible consequenc­es. As they say in pro sports, “they’re paying the other guys too”.

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