Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Deutch leads round table on health care

- By Cindy Krischer Goodman

As the national battle rages on over drug prices and health insurance, Broward County residents and health advocates met Friday to praise the safety net of the Affordable Care Act and show their concern about any possibilit­y of their medical coverage going away.

The Broward round table led by U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch focused on issues around access to treatments, cost of medication­s and trust in the health care system; the event was part of a national effort to call attention to what Democrats are doing to protect health care and the challenges ahead.

“We can all agree the Affordable Care Act is not perfect, but it has done a lot of good for a lot of people in our country,” Deutch said.

Across the country, congressio­nal Democrats held similar events to bring attention to the big healthcare issues being debated in Washington, D.C., calling their efforts Health Care for All Americans Day of Action.

At stake in the political squabbles: the crippling cost of life-saving drugs and coverage for chronic conditions or lifethreat­ening diseases — even as advances in medicine become available.

Inside a room at Broward College, Deutch acknowledg­ed Floridian’s frustratio­n with the high prices they pay for medication and the complex web of the healthcare system they must navigate, as well as panic over changes to guaranteed coverage for people with preexistin­g conditions.

“The idea of stripping away benefits from any part of our healthcare system is outrageous,” Deutch said.

For Jeffrey Schultz of Fort Lauderdale, whose daughter, Lanie Jones, and wife, Kathy, both have battled cancers, the healthcare debate is not a matter of mere politics, but rather

life and death.

“If the ACA is wiped out, it would be devastatin­g to my daughter and wife,” he said. “My daughter is 35 and has had a pre-existing condition since 18 months old. She will never be cancerfree and will always have a pre-existing condition. We are doing whatever we can do to make sure pre-existing coverage can’t go away.”

With a disease like Alzheimer’s on the rise , Jennifer Braisted, public policy manager for the Alzheimer’s Associatio­n Southeast Florida Chapter, said any deterrent to memory assessment­s could be devastatin­g in places like Florida because Hispanics and African Americans are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s. As many as 200,000 people are living with younger onset before age 65.

“Early detection and diagnosis is crucial and gives them better quality of life,” Braisted said.

Beverly Provost of Coral Springs said her concerns center on prescripti­on drug prices. Her son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 7. He is now 14, and takes a daily regimen of insulin.

“If you go a matter of days without insulin, you will die,” Provost said. Yet, with “good insurance” and a medication card, Provost said the family paid more than $3,700 out of pocket last year and her insurer paid more than $19,000. Provost said she can’t imagine if she were uninsured. “If someone has access to insulin, this condition can be so well managed.”

Joey Wynn, former chairman of the South Florida AIDS Network, put this question out to Republican­s: “What do you have that is equal or better to the Affordable Care Act for the millions of Americans across this great nation that rely on it to stay alive? This isn’t about I prefer this over that. This is about if I don’t get my medicine I die.”

In Orlando, Rep. Val Demings used Health Care for All Americans Day of Action to hold a round table discussion to address the soaring costs of prescripti­on drugs and release a new report on diabetes medication prices in her district. The report shows that because Medicare is not allowed to negotiate drug prices, the costs for diabetes medication­s to Medicare are nearly four times higher than in the United Kingdom, five times higher than in Australia, and three times higher than in Canada. For uninsured patients, the costs can be as much as 21 times higher.

Republican­s, however, chimed into the healthcare conversati­on, too. U.S. Sen. Rick Scott held a round table discussion with healthcare leaders and patients in Doral to draw attention to his efforts to make healthcare more affordable for families.

Scott touted his healthcare initiative­s: the America First Drug Pricing Plan to address the soaring costs of prescripti­on drugs by promoting transparen­cy, the Protecting Patients from Surprise Medical Bills Act to end the practice of surprise medical billing, and the Prescripti­on Drug Price Reporting Act to create a consumer-friendly database of prescripti­on drug prices.

After hearing from Florida families and healthcare leaders about their experience­s dealing with the soaring cost of prescripti­on drugs, Scott said, “No patient should ever have to go without life-saving drugs because they can’t afford them, and I’m fighting every day to get something done to lower the cost of prescripti­on drugs.”

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