Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

List of possibles for blood in urine

- Dr. Keith l Roach Write to Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@ or mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: I see a rheumatolo­gist for sarcoidosi­s. In February 2018, I had various lab tests, including a urinalysis. That test and several since then have shown microscopi­c hematuria. The rheumatolo­gist sent me to a urologist, who did scans and a scope of the bladder up through the right kidney. There’s a slight stricture of the right ureter. My biopsies were negative.

Tests and scans continue to be OK except for the microscopi­c hematuria. I am a 60-year-old woman. Is the hematuria a cause for concern? — K.E.

“Hematuria” means “blood in the urine.” “Gross” hematuria means there is so much blood that it changes the urine color, while “microscopi­c” hematuria is recognizab­le only in the laboratory. Blood in the urine can come from anywhere in the urinary system. Although the cause is sometimes never found, your physician should consider urinary tract infection, kidney or bladder stones, and, in the right age group, cancer of the kidney and bladder. The negative result in your case is reassuring.

You have one more reason to have hematuria than others, and that is the sarcoidosi­s. Sarcoidosi­s is a condition that can affect any tissue in the body with abnormal clumps of cells called granulomat­a. While the lungs are the most common site for sarcoidosi­s, it can affect the kidney, causing hematuria.

Sarcoidosi­s also can cause kidney damage, resulting in a high creatinine, so that should be tested. Severe kidney disease from sarcoidosi­s may be treated with prednisone, but you should see an expert to consider this diagnosis.

The majority of people with small amounts of blood in the urine with no documented reason for it, including the cystoscopy and scans you had, will not have serious disease. However, it is probably still prudent to keep an eye on the kidneys and bladder periodical­ly.

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