Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Will I owe if I cancel contract to sell home?

- Email a question to real estate lawyer Gary Singer at gary@garysinger­, or go to SunSentine­

Q:Iam selling my house without the use of a real estate agent. My current buyer came to me through his agent. Closing is still several weeks off. Due to a change of circumstan­ce, it is a bad idea for me to move, and I want to cancel the contract. If I cancel, will I still owe a commission to the buyer’s agent? — Anonymous

A: Unless your contract contains a contingenc­y allowing you to cancel, this will most likely have to come out of your pocket. There can be other consequenc­es if you do this. Your first step will be to carefully review your contract since every contract is different, and there are several versions of the standard forms commonly used in your area.

When you list your property with a real estate agent, you sign a contract knows as a “listing agreement” where you agreed to pay your agent a commission for finding you a qualified buyer. Your agent will the advertise, or “list,” your property, promising to split that commission with another agent for delivering a buyer.

You did not use a listing agent but were approached by an agent working with your buyer. When you agreed to sell the property to your buyer, the contract stated you would directly compensate his agent.

Even if your agreement did not address this issue, you would still owe the commission because it would be unfair to stiff the agent who brought you this qualified buyer.

Your other concern is that your buyer has invested time and money in purchasing your property. If you break the contract, he may sue you for his damages or for “specific performanc­e,” where he asks the court to force you to sell him the house per the contract you signed. Your best bet is to take a reasonable approach and try to arrange a compromise. Your buyer, and his agent, wants to buy a house, not a lawsuit, and will most likely be reasonable with you if you are with him.

 ??  ?? Gary Singer
Gary Singer

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