Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Trump aide shifts on quid pro quo

Mulvaney admits, denies remarks on Ukraine military aid

- By Lisa Mascaro and Mary Clare Jalonick

WASHINGTON — The White House acknowledg­ed Thursday that President Donald Trump’s decision to hold up military aid to Ukraine was linked to his demand that Kyiv investigat­e the Democratic National Committee and the 2016 U.S. presidenti­al campaign, a shifting new explanatio­n about events at the heart of the impeachmen­t inquiry that shifted again a few hours later in an attempt to walk back the assertion.

The earlier admission from acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney undercut the president’s position that there was no quid pro quo during Trump’s phone call with the Ukraine president

that sparked the House investigat­ion.

The turn of events had immediate fallout.

Trump’s lawyer distanced the president from Mulvaney’s account. The Justice Department said the explanatio­n was news to them. And Democrats cast Mulvaney’s remarks as further evidence of wrongdoing as Trump sought a “favor” from Ukraine.

Trump, traveling in Texas, appeared to stand by his top aide, calling Mulvaney a “good man.”

“I have a lot of confidence” in him, Trump said.

But Mulvaney’s initial remarks spun open a new phase of the impeachmen­t inquiry.

He indicated that a quid pro quo was at play for the military aid — but a different one than Democrats initially highlighte­d as they probed Trump’s efforts to have Ukraine investigat­e a company linked to the son of his Democratic rival Joe Biden.

Trump, as shown in a rough transcript of the July 25 call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, sought help in investigat­ing not only the firm tied to Biden, but also a security company hired by the DNC that discovered that Russian agents had broken into the committee’s network. The stolen emails were subsequent­ly published by WikiLeaks ahead of the 2016 election.

“The look back to what happened in 2016 certainly was part of the thing that he was worried about in corruption with that nation,” Mulvaney told reporters, delivering the White House’s most granular explanatio­n yet of the decision to withhold military assistance.

“Did he also mention to me in the past the corruption that related to the DNC server? Absolutely, no question about that,” Mulvaney continued. “That’s why we held up the money.”

Trump’s personal lawyer Jay Sekulow issued a pointed statement distancing the president’s legal

team from Mulvaney’s comments.

“The President’s legal counsel was not involved in acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney’s press briefing,” it said.

Within hours, Mulvaney issued a separate statement claiming his remarks were misconstru­ed.

“Let me be clear, there was absolutely no quid pro quo between Ukrainian military aid and any investigat­ion into the 2016 election,” he said. “The president never told me to withhold any money until the Ukrainians did anything related to the server.”

But it may be difficult to erase what Mulvaney said as House Democrats dig into their investigat­ion.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the intelligen­ce committee leading the impeachmen­t probe, said, “I think Mr. Mulvaney’s acknowledg­ment means that things have gone from very, very bad to much, much worse.”

Mulvaney, who has already received a subpoena for documents in the impeachmen­t probe, will now likely be asked by investigat­ors to appear for a deposition.

“I believe that they’re getting closer to basically admitting a crime,” said Rep. Joaquin Castro, DTexas, who said Mulvaney should testify.

Mulvaney during the news briefing defended Trump’s request to Ukraine by casting it as part of an ongoing Justice Department investigat­ion looking into the origins of the investigat­ion

into Russia’s interferen­ce in the 2016 election.

He said the investigat­ion was one of several reasons Trump held up nearly $400 million in military aid to Ukraine, including a desire for European nations to increase their own assistance to Kyiv. Funding was eventually released.

Trump’s request to Ukraine for an investigat­ion into the 2016 election appears linked to unfounded conspiracy theories about a Ukraine link to the DNC hack that began circulatin­g almost immediatel­y after the breach was discovered. Some were propagated in stories online and by Russian media and included mention of a supposed “hidden DNC server,” which acolytes of the Republican political operative Roger Stone picked up and circulated.

The sudden developmen­t punctuated another fast-moving day in the impeachmen­t inquiry.

Lawmakers met for hours behind closed doors with the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondland, who testified that he disagreed with Trump’s decision to have envoys work with the president’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Ukraine policy, rather than through traditiona­l government channels.

Sondland’s attempt to stand apart from Trump is remarkable since he is a hand-picked political appointee of the president who contribute­d $1 million to Trump’s inaugural committee.

 ?? WIN MCNAMEE/GETTY ?? Acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney’s comments about Ukraine aid drew immediate fallout on Thursday.
WIN MCNAMEE/GETTY Acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney’s comments about Ukraine aid drew immediate fallout on Thursday.

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