Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Civil rights champion fought to help poor

Democrat with fiery voice fought tirelessly to help the poor


Maryland representa­tive, chairman of one of the U.S. House committees leading an impeachmen­t inquiry of President Trump, died Thursday. He was 68.

BALTIMORE — Maryland Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, a sharecropp­er’s son who rose to become a civil rights champion and chairman of one of the U.S. House committees leading an impeachmen­t inquiry of President Donald Trump, died Thursday of complicati­ons from long-standing health problems. He was 68.

Cummings was a formidable orator who advocated for the poor in his blackmajor­ity district, which encompasse­s a large portion of Baltimore and more wellto-do suburbs.

As chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, Cummings led investigat­ions of the president’s government dealings, including probes this year relating to Trump’s family members serving in the White House.

Trump criticized the Democrat’s district as a “rodent-infested mess” where

“no human being would want to live.” The comments came weeks after Trump drew bipartisan condemnati­on following his calls for Democratic congresswo­men of color to go back to their “broken and crime-infested countries.”

Cummings replied that government officials must stop making “hateful, incendiary comments” that distract the nation from its real problems, including mass shootings and white supremacy.

“Those in the highest levels of the government must stop invoking fear, using racist language and encouragin­g reprehensi­ble behavior,” Cummings said.

On Thursday, Trump ordered flags at the White House, military bases and other federal buildings to be flown at half-staff through Friday to honor Cummings. He also tweeted his “condolence­s to the family and many friends of Congressma­n Elijah Cummings. I got to see firsthand the strength, passion and wisdom of this highly respected political leader.”

The tweet made no reference to past feuds.

Former President Barack Obama, whose 2008 presidenti­al bid counted Cummings as an early supporter, said he and his wife, Michelle, were “heartbroke­n” by the loss of their friend.

“As Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, he showed us all not only the importance of checks and balances within our democracy, but also the necessity of good people stewarding it,” Obama said in a statement, describing Cummings as “steely yet compassion­ate, principled yet open to new perspectiv­es.”

Cummings’ career spanned decades in Maryland politics. He rose through the ranks of the Maryland House of Delegates before winning his congressio­nal seat in a 1996 special election to replace Kweisi Mfume, who left to lead the NAACP.

By 2016, Cummings was the senior Democrat on the House Benghazi Committee, which he said was “nothing more than a taxpayer-funded effort to bring harm to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”

Throughout his career, Cummings used his fiery voice to highlight the struggles and needs of inner-city residents. He believed in much-debated approaches to help the poor and addicted, such as needle exchange programs to reduce the spread of AIDS.

A key figure in the Trump impeachmen­t inquiry, Cummings had hoped to return to Congress within about a week after a medical procedure for which he didn’t offer details. He’d previously been treated for heart and knee issues.

Cummings’ committee, authorized to investigat­e virtually any part of the federal government, is one of three conducting the House impeachmen­t probe of Trump. Cummings was among the three chairmen to sign a letter seeking documents into whether Trump pressured Ukraine to investigat­e the family of Democratic presidenti­al rival Joe Biden, the former vice president. The committees have issued subpoenas of witnesses after the Trump administra­tion’s refusal to cooperate with the impeachmen­t probe and have jointly been meeting behind closed doors to hear testimony.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney, a veteran Democrat from New York, will for now take over leadership of the House oversight committee, according to a senior Democratic leadership aide who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the decision publicly.

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 ?? OLIVIER DOULIERY/GETTY-AFP ?? Black adorns the House Oversight and Reform Committee room to honor Cummings.
OLIVIER DOULIERY/GETTY-AFP Black adorns the House Oversight and Reform Committee room to honor Cummings.
 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP ?? Rep. Elijah Cummings died early Thursday in Baltimore.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP Rep. Elijah Cummings died early Thursday in Baltimore.

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