Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Don’t even try to understand the president’s foreign policy

- By Tim Padgett Tim Padgett is the Americas editor for Miami NPR affiliate WLRN, covering Latin America, the Caribbean and their key relationsh­ip with South Florida.

Last Sunday, a Honduran immigrant on my middle-aged soccer team asked me about an issue before our weekly game.

And it didn’t involve Bengay for a pulled muscle.

“Honestly,” he said, “do you think the president of Honduras is involved with drug trafficker­s?”

He was referring to sordid but compelling testimony in a New York courtroom this month that links Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández to his country’s psychopath­ic drug cartels. It emanated from firsthand witnesses in the trial of the president’s brother and former Honduran congressma­n, Tony Hernández, who’s accused by U.S. prosecutor­s of traffickin­g cocaine and weapons. President Hernández is named as an unindicted co-conspirato­r. He denies narco-ties.

I told my teammate the trial testimony seems to leave little if any doubt President Hernández knew his brother was involved with narcos — and that he knew Tony was helping funnel narco-cash into his presidenti­al campaign coffers. I added we’ve seen this before: President Hernández himself admits his campaign received (he says without his knowledge) hundreds of thousands of dollars in embezzled government health care funds. Repeat: health care funds.

“But if the drug connection­s are true,” my friend said, “wouldn’t the Trump administra­tion condemn President Hernández?”

I started laughing so hard I pulled a middle-aged muscle. He went to get me some Bengay.

My friend assumed that even under the Trump administra­tion, U.S. foreign policy actions still make grown-up sense. They don’t — not in Ukraine or Syria, and especially not in Latin America. In fact, President Trump a la Latinoamér­ica offers a helpful glimpse into how and why he slid so brazenly into his Ukraine impeachmen­t mess.

As most Americans now realize, Trump’s foreign policy isn’t about geopolitic­al goals. It’s about personal transactio­ns. How it benefits Donald Trump — his political and, many critics assert, business fortunes.

In Honduras, the bottom line is that any other U.S. administra­tion, Democrat or Republican, would be calling for Juan Orlando Hernández to immediatel­y step down. They’d cite the alleged narco-ties and healthcare pillaging. They’d also point out he won his second term two years ago in an election so fraudulent even the Organizati­on of American States called for a new vote.

But the White House is mum on President Hernández because, using the trial testimony as transactio­nal leverage, Trump was able to strong-arm him into signing an immigratio­n accord last month. It obliges Honduras to receive and hold asylum-seeking migrants the U.S. turns back from its southern border.

The pact makes little grown-up sense for several reasons. The most obvious is that Honduras — because of its wretched poverty and horrific, ubiquitous, extortioni­st gang violence — is the sort of place asylum-seekers are seeking asylum from. Another is that this arrangemen­t doesn’t promise to alleviate the migrant rush at the U.S. border. It could actually worsen it.

By coddling a horrid head of state like President Hernández, Trump is coddling the horrid narco-state Honduras has become. That, in turn, means tens of thousands of desperate Hondurans will keep heading to the U.S. border. Just talk to any Honduran asylum-seeker from the Olancho province, most of which is under de facto narco-gang rule. Among the first things they’ll mention are the alleged ties that powerful Olancho-born politicos like ex-Presidents Manuel Zelaya and Porfirio Lobo — whose son is now in a U.S. prison for drug traffickin­g — have to local cartels.

Those ties apparently mean little if you play Trumpster foreign policy. What does matter is the personal transactio­n payoff for Trump.

In this case: being able to tell his nativist voter base that he bullied “sh--hole countries” that plague America with migrants into becoming U.S. Customs and Border Patrol holding pens. The presidents of El Salvador and Guatemala, the latter of whom is also in hot legal water at home, recently inked immigratio­n agreements with Trump, too — and this week the administra­tion announced it was resuming aid to all three nations.

Watching Trump forge quid pro quo in Central America makes his alleged Ukraine transactio­n — military aid for dirt on a political rival, his electoral interests over U.S. interests — less surprising. Ditto in the rest of Latin America. Giving a right-wing narco-state like Honduras a pass doesn’t exactly lend credibilit­y to Trump’s crusade against a left-wing narco-state like Venezuela. But then you realize what interests Trump most about Venezuela isn’t U.S. diplomatic interests but his Florida voter interests.

Remember that and, in your confusion, you won’t pull any muscles.

 ?? JABIN BOTSFORD/THE WASHINGTON POST ?? President Donald Trump’s foreign policy isn’t about geopolitic­al goals. It’s about personal transactio­ns.
JABIN BOTSFORD/THE WASHINGTON POST President Donald Trump’s foreign policy isn’t about geopolitic­al goals. It’s about personal transactio­ns.
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