Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Partner’s response bears scrutiny

- Readers can send email to askamy@amydickins­ or letters to “Ask Amy” P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY, 13068. Amy Dickinson

Dear Amy: My partner and I have been living together for five years. We are both in our 60s and each have grown children. We are together almost all day.

I get startled very easily. If someone walks quietly into a room, I jump and gasp.

I’ve never had a horrible trauma that might cause it. I do remember many years ago my father quietly entering a room and my mother jumping with fear when she saw him. My father seemed to find this funny, even knowing how angry she got.

Now my partner does this, and I hate it!

Amy, he claims it is my fault for not anticipati­ng that he will walk into the same room. But how can I?

We have had numerous intense arguments about this and it still happens at least a few times a week. I’ve asked him to make some kind of noise before approachin­g me. If he does, I’m not startled, but he says he forgets.

Please, any suggestion­s? — Fraidy Cat

Dear Fraidy: The startle response is an important evolutiona­ry reaction to alarm.

However, in researchin­g your question, I’ve learned about a genetic disorder called “Hyperekple­xia,” which is, basically, a response that goes beyond merely flinching when a person is startled. Someone with this disorder might “jump and gasp,” as you describe.

I’m not saying you have Hyperekple­xia, but because this issue is affecting you several times a week, you should do some research and get a profession­al assessment. Cognitive behavioral therapy might help to subdue your reaction.

In terms of your partner, I do think it’s possible that he forgets. He also might not realize you are in a particular room when he enters it. I don’t know how you can be certain he is “secretly” entertaine­d by this. You should continue to talk about it, and yes, he should understand that this is serious.

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