Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Experts track who’s been exposed to virus

- By Andrew Boryga

With each new case of coronaviru­s, medical profession­als turn detectives, tracking one of the most elusive viruses they’ve ever encountere­d.

It’s a race against the clock on an internatio­nal scale, a seemingly impossible task of determinin­g how each and every person fell ill. Where have they traveled? How long have they been sick? What have they touched and whom have they approached?

Only with those answers can the puzzle of coronaviru­s be solved and its spread stopped. On Tuesday,

the hunt led from New York to South Florida.

In an early morning radio interview in New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said a middle-aged lawyer from New York was confirmed to be the second person in the state to contract the coronaviru­s.

According to Cuomo, an initial review of the man’s travels did not suggest he’d been to any of the countries associated with large numbers of confirmed cases of coronaviru­s. It did reveal he had recently been in Miami.

However, Cuomo cautioned that so far it does not seem as though the man had contracted the disease when he was in South Florida. “We don’t see any direct connection on the initial review,” Cuomo said in his interview. A spokeswoma­n for the New York State Department of Health declined to comment on the man’s connection to South Florida.

Also on Tuesday, Florida confirmed its third case of the coronaviru­s — a 22-year-old woman in Hillsborou­gh Country.

Like every other case, a patient’s story begins as a mystery.

Figuring out who is infected by a virus always has been difficult, according to William Darrow, who did it during the HIV and AIDS crisis of the 1980s while working for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Even so, Darrow said, the coronaviru­s is a different monster.

“This virus is much easier to transmit,” said Darrow, a professor of public health at Florida Internatio­nal University.

Tracing the coronaviru­s poses unpreceden­ted investigat­ive challenges: It is burdensome to figure out who is infected because it can take two weeks before symptoms appear, Darrow said. And then these sleuths must account for who that infected person might have put at risk by touching others, sharing an object or simply being within 6 feet of them.

“Think about it,” Darrow said. “How many people are you within 6 feet of on a daily basis?”

In addition to reaching out to family members and friends of the two patients, medical investigat­ors must be going through their ridesharin­g receipts to find the names of drivers; identifyin­g flights they recently took and who else was on them; and jogging the patients’ memories for every detail about their previous two weeks that they can remember.

The official name for this type of work is “contact tracing,” and Darrow said it is usually led by a state or local health department, with the help of the CDC. In Florida, the agency that leads this work is the Florida Department of Health.

Darrow said the process generally begins with interviewi­ng patients to find out details about where they have traveled, who they have seen, where they have eaten or where they have slept.

In the case of the coronaviru­s, he said, the net would be cast even wider to pin down specific objects and surfaces infected people may have touched, as well as anyone they may have sneezed, coughed on or stood near.

Investigat­ors have to hope the infected patient is healthy and stable enough to recall as much informatio­n as possible, Darrow said. During Darrow’s time interviewi­ng HIV and AIDs patients, this was often difficult because many patients were already severely ill by the time they arrived in the hospital.

Fortunatel­y, many people infected with coronaviru­s can still speak and convey informatio­n when they get to the hospital, Darrow said.

That’s about where the good things end with the coronaviru­s.

“It’s very, very complicate­d,” Darrow said.

Once investigat­ors have gathered enough informatio­n from a patient to identify someone else who may have contracted the infection, Darrow said they get in touch with that person and get them tested as soon as possible.

In the case of the coronaviru­s, medical officials likely would take the step of asking people to self-quarantine themselves as they wait for more informatio­n on their diagnosis. “You don’t have contact with people until you get a clear bill of health,” Darrow said.

If people were to test positive for the coronaviru­s, they would be hospitaliz­ed for at least two weeks until they can be tested again, he said.

 ?? TED S. WARREN/AP ?? A worker wears a mask at the Life Care Center in Kirkland, Washington, near Seattle, on Monday.
TED S. WARREN/AP A worker wears a mask at the Life Care Center in Kirkland, Washington, near Seattle, on Monday.

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