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How to buy wine: 5 questions to ask

- By Eric Asimov The New York Times

The act of buying wine can rank high among life’s unpleasant tasks.

It’s not a physical or mental issue so much as a psychologi­cal one. We’re just talking about a bottle of wine, after all, first among first-world problems. But often the act of selecting that bottle is fraught with the fear of making a mistake, of wasting money and of appearing foolish in front of other people.

With the barest effort, you can simplify the entire procedure of selecting a wine while feeling better about it. It’s simply a matter of confidence.

It’s an assurance that allows you, without fear, to put trust in the people whose job it is to help you, and a faith that wine is not a measure of character, but a vehicle for pleasure. Developing that confidence is simply a matter of taking the measure of your aims and desires, and then communicat­ing them to the people who matter.

Here are five questions that will improve your chances, whether in a restaurant or retail shop, of always getting a satisfying bottle.

1. What’s the occasion?

Understand­ing the purpose of the bottle and its meaning to you is crucial. Start with a basic question: Are you buying a wine to accompany a meal? Or just to drink while hanging out with friends?

If it’s for hanging out, you know it’s something casual, a background voice that will enhance the socializin­g without intruding or interferin­g. If it’s to go with a meal, what sort of meal? The nature of the event dictates the sort of wine that will be best.

We tend to imagine that all wines are evaluated on a universal scale of quality, but in fact each occasion has its own scale. The best wine for one sort of event can be very different from the preferred bottle for another.

For example, are you joining friends at a restaurant for no other purpose than to catch up on one another’s lives? That’s a worthy occasion, but it doesn’t necessaril­y suggest a memorable bottle the way a 30th birthday celebratio­n might, or a wedding anniversar­y. Instead, it calls for a wine that makes people happy, promoting the casual joy of gathering with friends rather than concentrat­ing the mind on a life marker.

This may not seem intuitive, because we have been taught to think about wine rationally, and to describe it in terms of detectable aromas and flavors. But it’s more effective to consider the emotions that an event conjures, and find a wine that matches.

Wine profession­als such as sommeliers and retail merchants are skilled at translatin­g emotions to wines. Articulati­ng those emotions is a first step to gaining a satisfying bottle.

2. How much do I want to spend?

This is the bottom line, a crucial determinat­ion that can only be made individual­ly, depending on your bank account and where wine figures in your life’s priorities. The only shame comes in not facing this question squarely, and later regretting it.

It’s important to understand that no direct correlatio­n exists between the price of a bottle and the quality of a wine. Spending more may buy status and scarcity, but that may not translate into quality. Yet, it’s equally wrong to think that expensive bottles are never worth it. It’s again a question of pairing bottle to occasion.

Generally speaking, for ordinary drinking, I believe the best ratio of price and quality at wine shops is in the range of $15 to $25. For many reasons, this price range does not translate easily to restaurant wine lists.

While responsibl­e restaurant­s will generally charge two to twoand-a-half times the retail price, cheaper bottles tend to be marked up more than expensive bottles.

But I do think that if a meal is a special occasion, your wine outlay should rise, too. If you are spending $40 a person at a trattoria, a bottle of wine for $50 or so would not be unreasonab­le. At a more expensive place, you would also spend more for the wine.

The important thing, however, is to plan, pick a reasonable budget and stick to the spirit of it.

3. What do I like?

This is perhaps the hardest question of all, and one that can be answered only with experience. Even then, it can be hard to put into words.

One hint: Try to be as general as possible. “I love rich, fruity reds,” allows far more leeway than, “I love wines that taste like creme de cassis, with a core of plum essence and hints of shiso.”

Developing a vocabulary for describing wine is not easy. Tastes and smells can vary widely. One person’s strawberry is another’s cherry. But the term “red fruit,” or just “fruity,” conveys a message that a more specific reference may not.

Perhaps other elements, beyond the flavors, are important. We’ve already referred to emotions. You may also care how grapes are farmed and how wine is made. All of these factors are important to keep in mind.

Using modern tools might be a better solution than relying on a personal vocabulary. Take photos of the labels of wines you like, as well as those you don’t. Store them separately in your phone so you don’t confuse the two. It may perhaps be easier to convey your taste by displaying these photos than by trying to verbalize it. Or you can use an app such as Vivino as an organizati­onal tool.

4. What am I eating?

No, wine does not always have to go with food. But wine is at its best as part of a meal, whether at a restaurant or at home. So it pays to select bottles that will go well with what’s being served.

It’s far simpler when choosing a wine for home consumptio­n, when everybody is generally eating the same meal. The cooking tends to be less nuanced, and generalize­d pairings tend to work just fine.

Despite all the ink devoted to precise food-andwine pairings, most people are satisfied with combinatio­ns that do not clash. That is, as long as the food does not ruin the wine, or vice versa, it’s good enough not to warrant undue fussing.

The exceptions would be old, rare or fragile wines, which require more thought, and perfection­ist personalit­ies, whose obsession with transcende­nce can interfere with their appreciati­on of the good.

Restaurant­s are another matter. A party of four may order four contrastin­g dishes, making it a challenge to choose a wine that will satisfy everybody. Luckily, most restaurant­s with even decent wine selections have a wine profession­al to help you select a bottle.

5. Can you give me some guidance?

With an idea of the occasion, the budget, your taste and the food, now it’s time to ask for help.

A good shop or a restaurant will always have somebody who is fervent about wine and ardent about hospitalit­y. They want you to be happy enough to return.

In a store, you need to define your mission. Are you browsing without purpose, always a pleasure for wine lovers? Stocking up on reds or whites? Building a home cellar? Or maybe you’re shopping for dinner tonight.

Whichever your aim, enlist help. If nobody knows much about wine — and believe me, I’ve seen plenty of shops like that — go somewhere else. Finding the best possible store, with a helpful staff and wide selection, is paramount.

Restaurant­s present a clearer situation. If you want wine to match the food, you need to decide first what you are going to eat. For a party of four, this may take some time. Don’t allow yourself to be rushed into ordering before you are ready, though you may want an aperitif or cocktail while you ponder.

When you are ready, ask to speak to the sommelier. Give the details of your order, and your budget, and ask for a couple of recommenda­tions. It may be that you will want a bottle with the appetizers and another with the main course, or perhaps one bottle will do. That part is up to you.

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