Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Officials want to stop cruise ship from docking at Port Everglades.

- By Lisa J. Huriash

Fearful of the new coronaviru­s spreading more quickly in South Florida, two Broward County commission­ers and a state representa­tive want to stop a ship from docking in Port Everglades. The ship has 77 people showing symptoms, and local leaders worry it would be a health risk to let them disembark.

The Holland America cruise ship called Zaandam is hoping to end its voyage at Port Everglades on Monday after being denied permission to dock in Chile.

At an emergency meeting Tuesday, County Commission­er Michael Udine said he wanted the port to turn the ship away. He said the county has the authority to deny entry. He said if the county administra­tor does not issue an emergency order, he’ll call an emergency commission meeting later this week to force the issue.

He argues the passengers boarded this ship after the coronaviru­s was well-known to be an issue.

“They knowingly put themselves at risk,” Udine said. “Under no circumstan­ces should that ship be at Port Everglades.

“You expect Broward County residents, who are locked in their houses, whose businesses got crumbled away, people are dying, and then say a cruise ship that disembarke­d from South America after this whole thing blew up … now they want to dock at Port Everglades?”

Holland America said Tuesday in an email that 30 guests and 47 crew aboard the Zaandam have influenza-like illness symptoms and are being treated.

“Out of an abundance of caution and immediatel­y after noting the early signs of elevated numbers of illness, all guests were asked to remain in their staterooms on March 22,” according to the email. Meals are being provided by room service.

There are 1,243 guests and 586

crew on board.

Because all ports along Zaandam’s route are closed to cruise ships, Holland America Line sent a second ship to provide supplies, staff, and COVID-19 test kits.

Zaandam departed Buenos Aires, Argentina, on March 7 and was originally scheduled to end in San Antonio, Chile, on Saturday.

“Our intention is to proceed to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for arrival on March 30, however plans are still being finalized,” Holland America said in the email statement Tuesday. “Alternativ­e options also are being developed.”

Broward Commission­er Mark Bogen also wants the ship turned away, saying his first priority is the safety of Broward residents. He said he agrees the county should be “humane” but there “are plenty of ports to go to” because “we have a duty to the people who elected us first.”

“Our resources are stretched too much in Broward and we should not allow the ship in,” Bogen said to the Sun Sentinel. “Our first duty is to the residents of Broward County and considerin­g everything here is shutting down and [people are] suffering, we shouldn’t be taking in this ship.”

Commission­er Lamar Fisher agreed.

“I do not want this ship to come to Port Everglades,” Lamar Fisher said after the meeting. “Even Chile did not want them. We do not need any more cases here.”

But not all commission­ers appeared anxious to turn the ship away.

“I think it’s important we maintain our humanity during this entire crisis, that we continue to look out for each other” said Commission­er Beam Furr. “If there’s a ship at sea or somebody struggling wherever they are, we should be looking out for them.”

On Tuesday, State Rep. Chip LaMarca, R-Lighthouse Point, also said he was opposed.

“While I have been and will continue to be a major supporter of our ports and the cruise industry, we cannot allow this ship to dock in a county that continues to be one of the top communitie­s for COVID-19 cases,” he said.

“I urge all the key decision-makers on this issue to stop this ship from docking at Port Everglades,” he said. “Our ports are also part of the very important supply chain that includes logistics companies like rail and trucking. We would not only put residents and employees in danger, but possibly disrupt these vital industries that connect resources across the state.”

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