Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Carcinoid syndrome should be treated

- Dr. Keith Roach Write to Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@ or mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: Can you give more insight into carcinoid syndrome? I’d like to know its symptoms and how it gets diagnosed and treated? What kind of a doctor would one see? — S.B.

A carcinoid tumor is a type of neuroendoc­rine tumor of the digestive tract or lungs. In the gastrointe­stinal tract, these tumors are now referred to just as neuroendoc­rine tumors. They can produce substances that in some situations can cause carcinoid syndrome. This usually presents with flushing and diarrhea.

Symptoms are most common with carcinoid tumors of the lung or when the neuroendoc­rine tumor has spread. The liver normally inactivate­s these substances, so it is when the disease has spread to the liver that people become symptomati­c. The blood from lung carcinoid tumors does not go directly to the liver, which is why lung carcinoid tumors may cause carcinoid syndrome without liver involvemen­t. Still, more than 90% of people with carcinoid syndrome have metastatic disease — cancer that has spread to distant locations.

The diagnosis can be made by a combinatio­n of urine tests looking for the commonly produced substances, such as 5-hydroxyind­oleacetic acid (5-HIAA), and by anatomic tests such as scans.

In the past, neuroendoc­rine tumors were considered benign, but a better understand­ing of these tumors has led them to be classified as cancers and treated aggressive­ly. Oncologist­s with special expertise in gastrointe­stinal cancers are the ideal specialist­s to see for treatment.

Treatment may be surgical — for example, to remove metastatic disease to the liver — or medical, such as octreotide, which inhibits release of the substances which cause flushing and diarrhea, and significan­tly improves symptoms in 80% or more of people with carcinoid syndrome.

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