Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Sen. Rick Scott scapegoats the unemployed in fundraisin­g letters.

- This editorial first appeared in the Orlando Sentinel.

To Florida’s junior senator, the unemployed are today’s welfare queens, out to game the system and cheat the taxpayer.

In a recent fundraisin­g email, Sen. Rick Scott warned would-be donors, “Businesses looking to reopen are telling us their employees don’t want to come back to work because they collect more on unemployme­nt.”

Really? Because the CEO of Domino’s Pizza told investors in an earnings call last week that he’s seen a “very significan­t increase in applicant flow” despite the more generous federal unemployme­nt payments.

We reached out to Scott’s office for specific examples of who was saying employees don’t want to work and were told, “We’re not going to get into private conversati­ons the Senator has had…”

The office provided links to news stories that provided anecdotes out of Washington state and Kentucky. It also provided a tweet from the owner of a Pinellas County staffing firm, who told us in an email that some potential employees have said they’re not interested in applying for jobs right now because they’re receiving unemployme­nt benefits.

There you have it. A few anecdotes to shore up Scott’s conviction that Americans won’t go back to work because they’re briefly living it up on the government dole.

The source of their newfound riches? A pandemic-induced federal unemployme­nt payment of $600 per week through July 31 to augment each state’s unemployme­nt benefits.

Scott was one of four senators who tried to hold up the payments a month ago in a coronaviru­s relief package because he didn’t want anyone to make more off unemployme­nt than they were making at work.

What gall. Scott’s own state is a national bottom feeder in household income, so even when people are working they often don’t make enough to pay basic bills. Sen. Scrooge wants to make sure that even in these extraordin­ary circumstan­ces the service class doesn’t get one thin dime more than they were getting on the job.

One of the reasons Congress settled on a $600 lump sum rather than tying the benefit amount to each worker’s salary is because they knew that would create a logistical nightmare, resulting in long delays in payments when workers can’t afford to wait.

Even President Trump, in a recent attempt to criticize Democrats, acknowledg­ed the shortcomin­gs of state computer systems in arguing for direct federal payments to unemployed workers.

Florida’s car-wreck of an unemployme­nt system can barely function as it is. Try to imagine if it was also tasked with calculatin­g each worker’s federal benefit.

We have former Gov. Scott — and his legislativ­e enablers — to thank for that state of dysfunctio­n. They’re the ones who, back in 2011, imposed a backbreaki­ng set of conditions for people to collect unemployme­nt, along with reducing state benefits to as few as 12 weeks.

Scott has accepted no responsibi­lity for the pain and anguish his revamp of the unemployme­nt system has caused hundreds of thousands of out-of-work Floridians over the past six weeks. He’s subscribin­g to a new political philosophy of never apologizin­g, never accepting responsibi­lity, always blaming someone else.

Asked about Gov. Ron DeSantis’ valid criticisms of the unemployme­nt system he inherited, Scott’s spokesman told The New York Times that the senator did not “have time for dumb political squabbles.”

But he does have time to scapegoat the unemployed in fundraisin­g letters and in a Fox News column, where he aired his grievances about the unemployed making out just a bit too well for his liking.

It’s bad enough that Scott takes such a dim, condescend­ing view of his fellow Americans, but the statistics don’t even bear out the idea that his constituen­ts in Florida are going to live large because of the federal unemployme­nt boost.

A University of Wisconsin economics professor analyzed the effect in each state of extra unemployme­nt compensati­on.

In the world of unemployme­nt insurance, a key measure is what’s known as the “replacemen­t rate.” In other words, how much does unemployme­nt replace your working wage?

Before the federal stimulus, workers in Florida got about 38 cents in unemployme­nt compensati­on for every dollar they earned. Even after you add in the extra federal money, Florida’s unemployed workers still won’t earn as much on average as they did while working, according to the study.

There’s a kernel of truth in the concern that some people might take advantage of the extra unemployme­nt, much like, say, some hospital companies might take advantage of the government by committing massive Medicare fraud.

That doesn’t mean all hospital companies are unscrupulo­us. And neither are hard-working, dignified Americans whose goal is returning to work, not fleecing the government.

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