Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

GOP divide being created by coronaviru­s pandemic

Debate building on what party’s agenda should be in future

- By Jeremy W. Peters The New York Times

Questions over whether the government should play a more active role in protecting Americans from global shocks such as the coronaviru­s pandemic have exposed a widening divide in the Republican Party over whether the smallgover­nment, free-market brand of conservati­sm at the heart of its agenda — and a top priority of its biggest donors — is out of step with the times.

The debate traces some of the same ideologica­l fault lines that run through the party over President Donald Trump’s economic and trade policies, which excite many of the voters who are drawn to his nationalis­t appeals but alarm the party’s more traditiona­l, probusines­s wing.

In one of the most ambitious proposals from this group of new nationalis­ts who are challengin­g a generation of Republican orthodoxy, Congress would mandate that certain products deemed essential to the national interest — such as medicine, protective equipment including masks and materials used to build telecommun­ications infrastruc­ture — are manufactur­ed in the United States.

The growing push is happening on Capitol Hill and in the pages of the right’s most influentia­l publicatio­ns, and it is being led by prominent conservati­ve lawmakers, writers and policy experts.

This week they will begin a new phase of their campaign with help from Sens. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Marco Rubio of Florida, who argue in essays in a new online journal that the coronaviru­s has exposed the nation’s need to be more aggressive and innovative with its laws so it can better protect itself from adversaria­l powers such as China.

“I don’t think we’re going to have a choice as a country not to confront this,” Rubio said in an interview.

Too often, he said, conservati­ves automatica­lly oppose policies that impose new rules for American businesses, “and somehow you’re Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders” for supporting them. In reality, Rubio added, the heavy hand of the government can be helpful in cases such as this, where it is clear that the U.S. has become too reliant on Chinese manufactur­ing.

“If in our public policy we are going to incentiviz­e certain behavior, certain activities, it should be behavior and activities that are good for the country,” Rubio said.

Oren Cass, the founder of American Compass, a new group that is publishing the essays by Cotton and Rubio and plans to host events that highlight similar themes, said this moment of national crisis was “almost tailor-made to bring a lot of these issues to the fore.”

Conservati­ves such as Cass believe that the traditiona­l Republican economic view is not only hamstringi­ng the country’s ability to protect itself but also hurting the party with the voters whom Trump brought in — and who are not sharing in the vast wealth gains at the very top of the ladder.

For years, Republican­s have hewed to the idea that businesses generally know what is best for them and the economy, and that the best public policy leaves decisions largely to business owners and the free market. This has guided a generation of policy that favors deregulati­on and free trade.

But since Trump’s election — and his efforts to punish China for its trade practices and U.S. companies that profit from sending jobs to countries where labor is cheaper — many Republican­s have pushed their party to embrace the more nationalis­t elements of the president’s economic agenda.

Paul Winfree, director of economic policy studies at the Heritage Foundation, a leading conservati­ve think tank, said the right was still adjusting to Trump’s influence on policy.

“I think that a number of people have been trying to make sense of their own worldviews about politics and how that intersects with economic policy after Trump was elected,” he said. “And that is definitely affecting this debate.”

J.D. Vance, the author of the book “Hillbilly Elegy” — which chronicled the despair in parts of rural America that helped fuel the rise of a figure such as Trump — said the work being done at American Compass, where he is a contributi­ng writer, was ultimately part of the larger debate over what happens to the Republican Party once Trump is no longer leading it.

And the hope for him and like-minded Republican­s is that they can shape that future.

“Among a type of establishm­ent Republican, there’s definitely been this hope that when Trump goes, all of this stuff will disappear,” Vance said. “But if the trends in American politics continue, there’s just no way to imagine a Republican Party that doesn’t have a substantia­lly different platform in 20 years.”

“That doesn’t mean the establishm­ent can’t win a lot of battles in the short term.”

 ?? ERIN SCHAFF/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., believes the U.S. must become more self-reliant as a nation.
ERIN SCHAFF/THE NEW YORK TIMES Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., believes the U.S. must become more self-reliant as a nation.

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