Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

If college football goes on, players’ health concerns must be met

- Are This editorial first appeared in the Orlando Sentinel.

Another week brings another momentous coronaviru­s decision. Should the college football season be canceled?

It’s not quite as important as whether to reopen businesses or schools. Those are essential parts of a functionin­g society.

College football isn’t — just don’t tell that to millions of fans in Florida.

They are nervously hoping schools like UCF, Florida and FSU don’t follow the path taken Tuesday by the Big Ten and Pac-12, both of which announced Tuesday they would delay the season until spring.

The Southeaste­rn, Atlantic Coast and American Athletic conference­s are expected to announce their plans in the next few days.

As with other reopening debates, there is no good answer. Every option has major downsides. We’ll leave it up to individual leagues to decide what they think is best.

But as they wrestle with that, there is one easy call.

Players around the country have come up with lists of demands that would enhance their safety and benefits. Conference­s and schools should agree to those demands, even though it would upend the college sports model.

That model has largely been built on treating players like indentured servants. No doubt, serfdom has its privileges, like free tuition, meals, stipends, tutoring and mass adulation.

But as revenues have skyrockete­d in major football programs, players have sought a greater voice at the table. They deserve one, if for no other reason than they the show. ABC would not pay the SEC $300 million a year to televise fraternity flag football games.

Hazard pay is one item in a 10-point “Proposal for Change” document that originated at UCF and circulated to other AAC schools last week. Players also want 20% of total league revenue, split evenly among athletes in all sports.

If that made AAC brass spit out their morning coffee, imagine how Pac-12 officials felt when they got the memo from players demanding 50% of league revenue.

Settling the financial issues will take a lot of time and negotiatio­n.

But many of the other player demands can be addressed right away.

Chief among them is the ability to opt out the season. If a player does not feel comfortabl­e with the safety setup, he could sit out and his scholarshi­p would not be threatened.

That’s important because UCF and most schools outside the major Power Five conference­s don’t guarantee scholarshi­ps for four years. They renew them annually.

We’d like to think no school would pull a scholarshi­p because someone opted out, but players are more than justified in seeking that guarantee.

Players also want a medical redshirt year if they contract COVID-19 and miss at least half their games. They want medical coverage for injuries and COVID-related health issues for at least five years after their last season.

There are also demands for year-round testing, transparen­t release of medical data and other safety protocols.

When it comes to sports reopening in the pandemic, the track record is spotty. The National Basketball Associatio­n and National Hockey League have done well in “bubbles,” where all teams quarantine in one or two cities.

Major League Baseball has canceled games due to COVID-19 outbreaks. Players have worn masks and avoided handshakes, but a regular travel schedule makes quarantini­ng impossible.

Football teams would travel and engage in the ultimate contact sport. And while profession­al athletes are adults going to work, college players are ostensibly just students participat­ing in an amateur extracurri­cular activity.

At least, that’s how the NCAA has justified a business model that pays players diddly while paying coaches extravagan­tly.

It’s unclear how many players fully endorse coronaviru­s-related demands. An anonymous administra­tor at one (presumably) AAC school told Sports Illustrate­d, “I think this is a UCF problem and we’re getting dragged in.”

That’s hardly the case.

The uprising began on the West Coast with Pac-12 players. The movement has quickly coalesced through social media. Over the weekend, many prominent players endorsed the establishm­ent of a “College Football Players Associatio­n” to represent their rights.

If safety and health demands are met, players almost uniformly say they want to play this fall. Coaches, fans, businesses and politician­s from President Trump to Gov. Ron DeSantis have jumped on board.

“I’m 100% in favor of it,” DeSantis said Monday. “We’ve got to play.”

University presidents and administra­tors are weighing all that against the obvious pandemic risks. It’s a tough position, though ensuring the welfare of players should not even be an issue.

If college football can’t manage that, there shouldn’t be a season.

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