Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Tribe objecting to federal review of huge copper mine

- By Felicia Fonseca

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — The U.S. Forest Service released an environmen­tal review Friday that paves the way for the creation of one of the largest copper mines in the United States, against the wishes of a group of Apaches who have been trying for years to stop the project.

The Forest Service has 60 days to turn over a tract of land in Tonto National Forest east of Phoenix to Resolution Copper Mining, a joint venture of the internatio­nal mining companies Rio Tinto and BHP.

Environmen­talists contend the Forest Service was pressured to push the review over the finish line before President Donald Trump leaves office.

The Forest Service said that’s not true, while the mining company contends the publicatio­n already was delayed by months.

The mountainou­s land near Superior, Arizona, is known as Oak Flat or Chi’chil Bildagotee­l. It’s where Apaches have harvested medicinal plants, held coming-ofage ceremonies and gathered acorns for generation­s. An area where dozens of warriors leapt to their deaths from a ridge adjacent to the proposed mine, rather than surrender to U.S. forces during westward expansion, is protected as a special management area.

A judge late Thursday denied a request from Apache Stronghold, a group led by former San Carlos Apache Chairman Wendsler Nosie to halt the publicatio­n until a larger question over who legally owns the land is settled.

U.S. District Court Judge Steven Logan in Phoenix said he recognized “the anxiety that having one’s sacred land taken from them and used for purposes that run counter to their spiritual beliefs, might cause.”

But Logan said the Forest Service and other defendants also have a right to respond to the allegation­s, and he saw no proof they had been served. He set a Jan. 27 hearing.

Nosie’s group alleged violations of religious freedom and constituti­onal rights in the federal lawsuit filed last week. It also contends the Forest Service legally can’t transfer the land because it belongs to

Apaches under an 1852 treaty.

Nosie said he’s hopeful the court or politician­s will take action.

“I think with a new Congress, new administra­tion, they will be able to take a new look at it based on the Constituti­on, our religion and based on the consequenc­es of having this mine that’s looking

to devastate and destroy this area forever,” Nosie said.

The land swap was approved in December 2014, tucked into a mustpass defense bill. The late Republican U.S. Sen. John McCain, a major recipient of Rio Tinto campaign contributi­ons, backed it. Before that, stand-alone bills never gained

Congress’ approval.

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey said the mine will ensure a supply of up to 1 billion pounds of copper annually. Resolution Copper said it has spent about $2 billion so far to gain access to the mine and conduct studies. The mine is not expected to be operationa­l for at least 15 years.

 ?? MOLLY RILEY/AP 2015 ?? Councilman Wendsler Nosie speaks with activists from the Apache Tribe in a rally to save sacred land known as Oak Flat near Superior, Arizona.
MOLLY RILEY/AP 2015 Councilman Wendsler Nosie speaks with activists from the Apache Tribe in a rally to save sacred land known as Oak Flat near Superior, Arizona.

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