Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

China’s authoritar­ianism brought to the fore

Missing Interpol leader’s wife slams ‘monster’ country

- By John Leicester

LYON, France — In China, she enjoyed the privileges that flowed from being married to a senior member of the governing elite. Her husband was a top police official in the security apparatus that keeps the Communist Party in power, so trusted that China sent him to France to take up a prestigiou­s role at Interpol.

But Meng Hongwei, the former Interpol president, has vanished into China’s sprawling penal system, purged in a stunning fall from grace. And his wife is alone with their twin boys in France, a political refugee under round-the-clock French police protection following what she suspects was an attempt by Chinese agents to kidnap and deliver them to an uncertain fate.

From being an insider, Grace Meng has become an outsider looking in — and says she is horrified by what she sees.

So much so that she is now shedding her anonymity, potentiall­y putting herself and her family at additional risk, to speak out against China’s authoritar­ian government that her husband — a vice minister of public security — served before disappeari­ng in 2018. He was later tried and imprisoned.

“The monster” is how Meng now speaks of the government he worked for. “Because they eat their children.”

In an exclusive interview with Associated Press, Meng for the first time chose to show her face, agreeing to be filmed and photograph­ed without the dark lighting and from-theback camera angles that she previously insisted on, so she could speak openly and in unpreceden­ted detail about her husband, herself and the cataclysm that tore them apart.

“I have the responsibi­lity to show my face, to tell the world what happened,” she said. “During the past three years, I learned — just like we know how to live with the COVID — I know how to live with the monster, the authority.”

Among the global critics of China — many of them mobilizing against the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing — Meng brings the unique perspectiv­e of a former insider. She has largely stopped using her Chinese name, Gao Ge. She says she now feels more herself as Grace, her chosen name, with her husband’s surname, Meng.

“I have died and been reborn,” she says.

About Meng, his whereabout­s and health as an imprisoned soon-to-be 68-year-old, she is entirely in the dark. Their last communicat­ion was two text messages he sent on Sept. 25, 2018, on a work trip to Beijing. The first said, “wait for my call.” That was followed four minutes later by an emoji of a kitchen knife, apparently signaling danger. She thinks he likely sent them from his office at the Ministry of Public Security.

Since then, she says she has had no contact with him and that multiple letters sent by her lawyers to Chinese authoritie­s have gone unanswered. She is not even sure he is alive.

“This has already saddened me beyond the point where I can be saddened further,” she said. “Of course, it’s equally cruel to my children.”

“I don’t want the children to have no father,” she added, starting to cry. “Whenever the children hear someone knocking on the door, they always go to look. I know that they’re hoping that the person coming inside will be their father. But each time, when they realize that it isn’t, they silently lower their heads. They are extremely brave.”

Official word about Meng’s fate came out in dribs and drabs. A statement in October 2018, just moments after Grace Meng had first met reporters in Lyon, France, to sound the alarm about his disappeara­nce, announced that he was being investigat­ed for unspecifie­d legal violations. That signaled that he was the latest high-ranking Chinese official to fall victim to a party purge.

Interpol announced that Meng had resigned as president, effective immediatel­y. That still infuriates his wife, who says the Lyonbased police body “was of no help at all.” She argues that by not taking a firmer stand, the global organizati­on that works on shared law enforcemen­t issues has only encouraged authoritar­ian behavior from Beijing.

“Can someone who has been forcibly disappeare­d write a resignatio­n letter of their own free will?” she asked. “Can a police organizati­on turn a blind eye to a typical criminal offense like this?”

In 2019, China announced that Meng had been stripped of his Communist Party membership. It said he abused his power to satisfy his family’s “extravagan­t lifestyle” and allowed his wife to use his authority for personal benefit. In January 2020, a court announced he’d been sentenced to 13 years and six months in prison on charges of accepting more than $2 million in bribes. The court said he confessed guilt and expressed regret.

His wife has long maintained that the accusation­s were trumped up and that her husband was purged because he’d been using his high-profile position to push for change.

“It’s a fake case. It’s an example of a political disagreeme­nt being turned into a criminal affair,” she said. “The extent of corruption in China today is extremely serious. It’s everywhere. But there are two different opinions about how to solve corruption. One is the method used now. The other is to move toward constituti­onal democracy, to solve the problem at its roots.”

Grace Meng also has political connection­s through her own family. Her mother served on an advisory body to the Chinese legislatur­e. And the family has previous experience of political trauma. After the Communist takeover in 1949, Grace Meng’s grandfathe­r was stripped of his business assets and later imprisoned in a labor camp, she said.

History, she says, is repeating itself.

“Of course, this is a great tragedy in our family, a source of great suffering,” she told the AP. “But I also know that very many families in China today are facing a similar fate to mine.”

 ?? ?? Grace Meng, shows photos of her parents, spoke openly about the disappeara­nce of her husband, the former head of Interpol. Meng Hongwei has not been seen since 2018.
Grace Meng, shows photos of her parents, spoke openly about the disappeara­nce of her husband, the former head of Interpol. Meng Hongwei has not been seen since 2018.
 ?? LAURENT CIPRIANI/AP PHOTOS ?? Grace Meng, the wife of former Interpol president Meng Hongwei, remains in eastern France.
LAURENT CIPRIANI/AP PHOTOS Grace Meng, the wife of former Interpol president Meng Hongwei, remains in eastern France.

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