Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Dems’ map gains may not last long

Litigation swirling around legislativ­e efforts in Ohio, NC

- By Nicholas Riccardi

DENVER — The surprising advantage Democrats gained during the torturous process of rewriting the nation’s congressio­nal maps may be short-lived, creating the potential for more frequent clashes over how political power should be distribute­d across the United States.

As the once-a-decade scramble to draw new legislativ­e lines, a process known as redistrict­ing, nears its conclusion, Democrats have succeeded in shifting the congressio­nal map to the left. The typical U.S. House district now comes close to matching President Joe Biden’s 4 percentage point win in 2020. Though the impact may not be seen in this year’s voting, as Democrats face uphill odds to maintain their House majority, party leaders believe the new maps would make it easier to take the chamber in more favorable elections. But all that could change. Two major battlegrou­nd states — North Carolina and Ohio — are already poised to redraw their maps in the next few years. Several cases at the U.S. Supreme Court, meanwhile, could dramatical­ly alter the rules that govern mapmaking nationwide. Those twists could ultimately transform redistrict­ing into a regular political brawl that consumes state capitals already gripped by partisan tensions.

“This is the end of Act I, but there’s a lot more to come in the play,” said Michael Li of the Brennan Center for Justice, which tracks redistrict­ing.

The uncertaint­y extends to other facets of elections, from the ability to challenge certain voting restrictio­ns in court to whether minorities can have a chance to elect their preferred representa­tives. But it also leaves a significan­t asterisk over one of the biggest political twists of the past few years.

Many Democrats began the redistrict­ing cycle haunted by what happened after the Republican wave in 2010. The following year, after the U.S. Census Bureau released its new population count, the GOP had control of drawing new legislativ­e lines in a large number of states, shifting the national congressio­nal map to the right. Democrats worried the same thing would happen in 2021.

Republican­s, however, had maxed out their gains in many places and turned to shoring up incumbents more than trying to make new seats winnable. Democrats still had far fewer districts to draw than the GOP but controlled more states than in 2011. In those that they did control, Democrats drew aggressive maps to maximize the number of seats they could win.

Republican­s and many analysts note that, in doing so, Democrats effectivel­y spread out their voters, making themselves vulnerable to shifts in political coalitions or bad election cycles, as 2022 is expected to be for the party.

Still, Democrats say they’re satisfied. They count 12 congressio­nal seats that they have shifted into the “likely Democratic” category — though that includes some districts Democrats already represent.

Republican­s say they are also happy with how they did. Adam Kincaid, executive director of the National Republican Redistrict­ing Trust, said the party has so far shifted 16 GOP-held seats from being in competitiv­e districts to safely Republican ones. That, he argues, will free up millions of dollars to go after vulnerable Democrats.

“We are exactly in most states where we thought we would be,” Kincaid said. The biggest surprise, he added, is that “Democrats, where they had control, they went wild.”

A couple of significan­t wild cards remain, with five states lacking official maps.

Florida hasn’t finalized its map, stuck in a standoff between Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and the GOP-controlled Legislatur­e over how aggressive­ly to expand their party’s hold on the state’s congressio­nal delegation. Ohio’s maps are in limbo as the state Supreme Court repeatedly strikes them down as illegal, pro-GOP gerrymande­rs or misshapen maps drawn to help one party rather than represent communitie­s.

The GOP is fuming over court interventi­on in places like Ohio that have helped Democrats, and that’s one reason there could be a decadelong redistrict­ing cycle. Complex litigation over redistrict­ing often drags on for years, sometimes leading to courts ordering new maps.

Last decade, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvan­ia and Texas all had GOP-drawn maps thrown out by courts and new ones ordered. But legal experts say this cycle may be shaping up to be even more tumultuous and far-reaching.

That’s because the conservati­ve majority on the U.S. Supreme Court has signaled its interest in changing some longtime standards that have governed redistrict­ing.

“Their holdings may impact all 50 states in ways that holdings in 2011 didn’t,” Doug Spencer, a professor at the University of Colorado Law School, said of the high court.

The first case the Supreme Court took was a challenge to Alabama’s Republican-drawn maps last month. A lower court panel cited the Voting Rights Act in ruling that the GOP had to make a second district with enough Democratic-leaning Black voters that they could pick their own representa­tives without being blocked by whites who vote for the other party. The high court’s conservati­ve majority put that ruling on hold, saying it may revise its longtime rules for handling majority-minority districts next year.

Then, the court rejected a GOP appeal of rulings by North Carolina and Pennsylvan­ia’s state Supreme Courts that adopted maps Republican­s disliked. But four conservati­ve justices — the minimum number required to hear a case — signaled they wanted to rule on the legal theory underlying the challenges, which holds that state legislatur­es have supreme power in making rules for congressio­nal elections.

There’s a wide range of ways the high court could decide both cases, but that already adds uncertaint­y to a combustibl­e, hyperparti­san environmen­t likely to lead North Carolina and Ohio to redraw their maps later this decade, representi­ng 29 House seats. The unsettled nature of the debate in both states is due to litigation over Republican-drawn maps.

In North Carolina, after a Democratic majority on the state Supreme Court struck down the GOP maps in a 4-3 vote, Republican­s vowed to flip the court in November. Indeed, when a lower court panel sketched out a new map for November’s election that was more equal than the one that would have given Republican­s 10 of the state’s 13 seats, the judges labeled it “interim.”

In Ohio, the term-limited GOP chief justice of the state’s high court joined Democrats to become the deciding vote to strike down repeated GOP maps as illegal gerrymande­rs. As in North Carolina, the GOP has vowed revenge at the ballot box, with its primary candidate to replace the chief justice pledging to approve maps drawn by the Republican-controlled Legislatur­e.

 ?? JULIE CARR SMYTH/AP 2021 ?? Members of the Ohio Senate Government Oversight Committee hear testimony regarding a new map showing congressio­nal districts in the battlegrou­nd state at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio.
JULIE CARR SMYTH/AP 2021 Members of the Ohio Senate Government Oversight Committee hear testimony regarding a new map showing congressio­nal districts in the battlegrou­nd state at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio.

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