Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

MLB’s ‘Ghost runner’ in extras here to stay


Starting extra innings with a runner on second base during the regular season was made a permanent rules change by Major League Baseball on Monday after three seasons of use during the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Known by some as the “Ghost Runner” and by others as the “Manfred Man” after baseball Commission­er Rob Manfred, the rule was unanimousl­y adopted by the sport’s 11-person competitio­n committee.

The rule was adopted as a pandemic measure for the 2020 season.

The joint competitio­n committee, establishe­d in the lockout settlement last March, includes six management officials, four union representa­tives and one umpire.

College basketball:

Former Michigan State player Keith Damon Appling pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and a firearm charge in the fatal shooting of a Detroit man. Appling, 31, pleaded guilty to one count each of second-degree murder and felony firearm in the killing of 66-year-old Clyde Edmonds. Prosecutor­s say Appling fatally shot Edmonds in May 2021 after the men argued over a handgun. His plea agreement calls for 18 to 40 years in prison on the second-degree murder charge and two years to be served consecutiv­ely on the firearm charge . ... Alabama rose to No. 1 in The AP men’s poll for the first time in 20 years.

Golf: Former world No. 1 Stacy Lewis was named U.S. captain for the 2024 Solheim Cup in Gainesvill­e, Va. Lewis, 37, is already on track to captain the 2023 U.S. team that will face Europe at the Sept. 22-24 Solheim Cup in Andalucia, Spain.

NFL: Eagles All-Pro RT Lane Johnson will have surgery for a torn adductor that he played through this postseason . ... Threetime Pro Bowl G Conrad Dobler died at the age of 72. Dobler played for the St. Louis Cardinals (197277), Saints (1978-79) and Bills (1980-81).

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