Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Support bipartisan plan to save our vanishing birds

- By Julie Wraithmell

While we slept on any given night this fall, so many birds migrated overhead that they were regularly visible on weather radar. More than half of America’s birds make the journey to Latin America and the Caribbean and back each year, everything from tiny hummingbir­ds to globetrott­ing shorebirds, powerful peregrine falcons to jewel-colored warblers and orioles. Florida funnels this river of North American birds each fall, and watching their passage is one of our state’s greatest natural spectacles.

It is only natural to think of the birds that we see in our backyards and communitie­s as our birds, but in reality, they are only on loan to us. Many of these species spend their lives in motion, moving like tides back and forth across the hemisphere every year.

Unfortunat­ely, this annual spectacle is dimming — North America’s bird population has declined by 3 billion since 1970. That’s more than a quarter of all birds lost in less than a lifetime, most of them migratory species that journey thousands of miles each year.

Their global migration is made possible by a connected chain of habitats that act as stepping stones from their breeding to their wintering grounds — stepping stones that these birds have depended on for thousands of years. But like any chain, it’s only as strong as its weakest link. Ensuring the future of this spectacle and these species requires that each link is protected. The good news is that we have tools to better protect these species and begin reversing their losses, if we act internatio­nally, across their full migratory ranges.

In a time when agreement is scarce in the nation’s Capitol, the Neotropica­l Migratory Bird Conservati­on Act (NMBCA) program is a rare instance where both major parties have worked together since 2002 to provide funding and partnershi­ps for conserving more than 350 species of birds — especially in sites where birds stop and spend the winter in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The program, which is up for renewal, is one of the smartest ecological investment­s we can make. Since 2000, more than 700 of these projects covering more than 5 million acres of habitat have helped birds in 43 countries. But each year, the program receives far more applicatio­ns than it has resources, leaving many important projects left unfunded.

NMBCA projects in Latin America tend to be modest investment­s with outsized benefits that become catalysts, further attracting internatio­nal matching investment­s. For every $1 provided by the U.S. government, $5 is spent on conservati­on, totaling more than $346 million in partnershi­p funding.

Saving birds isn’t just a pretty idea, it also strengthen­s our economy. A recent Fish and Wildlife Service survey found that more than 96 million people in the United States participat­ed in birdwatchi­ng in 2022 — and consumer spending on bird feeding, birdwatchi­ng equipment and travel creates more than $100 billion in economic output every year. Without healthy bird population­s, this economic engine falters.

Healthy bird population­s are also critical to our ecosystems. We all rely on birds to control pests, disperse seeds, pollinate fruit and flowers and perform other critical functions that make the natural world work. People’s quality of life and prosperity depend upon the health of our environmen­t. Better conditions for birds deliver improved conditions for people, too.

Legislatio­n to renew support for these programs has been introduced in Congress by a bipartisan team of legislator­s, including Miami Republican U.S. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar. In addition to strengthen­ing funding for the program to meet current interest and demand, the Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservati­on Enhancemen­ts Act would make critical improvemen­ts to boost the effectiven­ess of every dollar spent and increase access of the grant program to smaller organizati­ons.

Supporting this legislatio­n does more than just protect the birds that so many of us, including 2 million Audubon members in the United States, have come to love. From the Arctic to the Amazon, what threatens birds threatens all of us.

Congress should reauthoriz­e and enhance this program to meet this moment. To continue to enjoy birds at home, we must protect them hemispheri­cally, so that “our” birds return again each spring.

Julie Wraithmell is the executive director of Audubon Florida. This opinion piece was originally published by the Miami Herald and distribute­d by The Invading Sea website (www.theinvadin­ The site posts news and commentary on climate change and other environmen­tal issues affecting Florida.

 ?? FILE ?? A flock of dunlins lands to feed in Elliott Island, Maryland, on their way south for the winter.
FILE A flock of dunlins lands to feed in Elliott Island, Maryland, on their way south for the winter.
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