Sweetwater Reporter

Full Moon on Halloween This Weekend


This weekend, there will be a full moon for Halloween. Called a blue moon, This means that we’ve had two full Moons this month: the first occurred on Thursday, October 1, and the second occurs this Saturday, October 31. Halloween’s full Moon will be extra special, since it will be the second of the month and is a rarity.

It is not common to have a full moon on Halloween but usually does happen every twenty or so years. This year, however, will be the first Halloween full moon in 76 years.

While it can lend a spooky air to Halloween, the moon can also light the way for trick or treaters.

Being 2020 has been crazy enough already, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that there will also be a time change. Daylight savings time ends at 2 a.m. November 1 when clocks go back an hour.

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