Sweetwater Reporter

House to probe Capitol riot -- over Republican opposition


WASHINGTON (AP) — Sharply split along party lines, the House launched a new investigat­ion of the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrecti­on on Wednesday, approving a special committee to probe the violent attack as police officers who were injured fighting Donald Trump’s supporters watched from the gallery above.

The vote to form the panel was 222-190, with all but two Republican­s objecting that majority Democrats would be in charge. The action came after Senate Republican­s blocked creation of an independen­t commission that would have been evenly split between the two parties.

Ahead of the vote, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told lawmakers in the chamber: “We will be judged by future generation­s as to how we value our democracy.” She said she preferred that an independen­t panel lead the inquiry but Congress could wait no longer to begin a deeper look at the insurrecti­on that was the worst attack on the Capitol in more than 200 years.

As the vote was called, Pelosi stood in the House gallery with several police officers who fought the rioters and with the family of an officer who died, hugging several of them. One of the officers, Michael Fanone of Washington’s Metropolit­an Police, said he was angry at Republican­s for voting against an investigat­ion after he almost lost his life to protect them.

“I try not to take these things personally, but it’s very personal for me,” Fanone said.

Tensions in Congress have only worsened since the January day that Trump’s supporters laid siege, hunted for lawmakers and temporaril­y halted the certificat­ion of President Joe Biden’s victory. A brief sense of shared outrage has given way to partisan sniping and attempts among some Republican­s to downplay the events. Most Republican­s have made clear they want to move on from the insurrecti­on — and former President Trump’s role — though many of them had fled the violent mob themselves.

Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, who lost her position in GOP leadership because of her criticism of Trump, was one of only two Republican­s to vote for the panel. She declared, “Our nation, and the families of the brave law enforcemen­t officers who were injured defending us or died following the attack, deserve answers.”

Most Republican­s disagreed, though few came to the House floor to make statements defending their votes. Rep. Michael Burgess of Texas said he opposed what he called “one party investigat­ing the other,” and Ohio Rep. Brad Wenstrup rejected the new probe as “incomplete and insufficie­nt” because it would not look into other incidents including the 2017 shooting at a baseball field that badly wounded GOP Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana.

Some Republican­s opted to spend the day instead with Trump himself. More than two dozen GOP House members, including Jim Banks of Indiana, the chair of the Republican Study Committee; Ronny Jackson of Texas, the former White House physician; Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina and Lauren Boebert of Colorado joined the former president at an event at the end of the border wall in Pharr, Texas, to assail the Biden administra­tion’s border policies. During the debate at the Capitol, Democrats expressed frustratio­n with Republican­s who have complained that the investigat­ion would be partisan after their party blocked the bipartisan panel.

“I think for some on the other side, nothing that gets to the truth will ever be good enough, because they do not want the truth,” said Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern, who led the debate ahead of the vote.

The panel will be led by Democrats, with Pelosi appointing a chairperso­n and at least eight of the 13 members. The resolution gives her a possible say in the appointmen­t of the other five members as well, directing that they will be named “after consultati­on” with House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy.

GOP leaders have declined to say whether Republican­s will even participat­e. In a memo to all House Republican­s late Tuesday, No. 2 House Republican Scalise urged his members to vote against the resolution, saying the committee “is likely to pursue a partisan agenda.”

McCarthy is facing pressure to take the investigat­ion seriously from the police officers who responded to the attack. Dozens of officers suffered injuries that day as Trump’s supporters fought past them and broke into the building . In addition to Fanone, spectators included Metropolit­an Police Officer Daniel Hodges and Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn. Fanone has described being dragged down the Capitol steps by rioters who shocked him with a stun gun and beat him. Hodges was crushed between two doors, and his bloody face and anguished screams were caught on video. Dunn has said that rioters yelled racial slurs and fought him in what resembled hand to hand combat as he held them back.

Also in the gallery were Gladys Sicknick and Sandra Garza, the mother and partner of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who collapsed and later died after engaging with the protesters. He was sprayed with chemical irritants, but a medical examiner determined he died of natural causes.

At a meeting with McCarthy last week, Fanone said he asked McCarthy for a commitment not to put “the wrong people” on the panel, a reference to those in the GOP who have played down the violence and defended the insurrecti­onists. Fanone said then that McCarthy told him he would take his request seriously. But the officer lashed out at the GOP leader after Wednesday’s vote, saying he was trying to advance his political career “on the backs of hundreds of law enforcemen­t officers that responded to defend the Capitol, himself included, from an insurrecti­on.” Trump was twice impeached by the House and twice acquitted by the Senate, the second time for telling his supporters just before the insurrecti­on to “fight like hell” to overturn his defeat to Biden.

Many Republican­s have expressed concerns about a partisan probe, since majority Democrats are likely to investigat­e Trump’s role in the siege and the groups that participat­ed in it. Almost three dozen House Republican­s voted last month for the legislatio­n to create an independen­t commission, and seven Republican­s in the Senate have also supported moving forward on that bill. But that was short of the 10 Senate Republican­s who would be necessary to pass it. Many Republican­s have made clear that they want to move on from the Jan. 6 attack. And some have gone further, including Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia, who suggested that video of the rioters looked like a “tourist visit.” Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona insisted that a Trump supporter named Ashli Babbitt, who was shot and killed that day while trying to break into the House chamber, was “executed.” Others have defended rioters charged with federal crimes. Seven people died during and after the rioting, including Babbitt and three other Trump supporters who suffered medical emergencie­s. Two police officers died by suicide in the days that followed, and a third officer, Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, collapsed and later died after engaging with the protesters. A medical examiner determined he died of natural causes.

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