Sweetwater Reporter

T.S.C.A.R. Raises over $11,000 for WASP Museum


The Texas Society, Children of the American Revolution (T.S.C.A.R.) raised over $11,000 on behalf of the WASP Museum to help fund four interactiv­e educationa­l STEM exhibits aimed at grades 2 – 12. The T.S.C.A.R. held their annual state conference at the Museum in March and presented the check to the Lisa Taylor, Executive Director.

Each year the incoming T.S.C.A.R. teen president chooses a state project for the organizati­on. High school sophomore Kara Smith, chose the National WASP WWII Museum as the 2020 Project: Salute the Women in Flight...

Kara made many presentati­ons to educate others on WASP history. Funds were raised through lapel pin sales, direct donations, and a silent auction.

Because of their tremendous efforts, the Museum received all four exhibits in June creating a legacy for the T.S.C.A.R. within the Museum walls. Museum visitors and school groups are now able to engage in the WASP story in an entirely new way.

Kara’s leadership with support from Senior State President Jill Jackson was truly remarkable. “Every inperson event where presentati­ons and fundraisin­g would have normally occurred was cancelled,” states Jackson. Kara and T.S.C.A.R. members were tasked with creating awareness for the WASP and raising funds while navigating the challenges of engaging online communitie­s. Kara and the T.S.C.A.R. overcame those barriers and raised more than many of their peers in previous years when typical fundraisin­g avenues were open.

When asked why she chose the WASP Museum, Kara responded that she first heard about the pilots at a presentati­on by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). She was captivated by their story and dismayed by the lack of acknowledg­ment and validation.

The Museum is thrilled to have been in a wonderful partnershi­p with the T.S.C.A.R. These students are in exemplary in all they do as they work toward becoming tomorrow’s leadership. For more informatio­n on the T.S.C.A.R. and ways to donate to their mission, visit http://tscar. net/.

 ?? Photo Courtesy of Children of American Revolution ?? T.S.C.A.R. raised over $11,000 for Sweetwater’s WASP Museum.
Photo Courtesy of Children of American Revolution T.S.C.A.R. raised over $11,000 for Sweetwater’s WASP Museum.

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