Sweetwater Reporter

“All your works praise you, O Lord”



“But the LORD has been my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge”

Psalm 94:22

In uncertain times it’s good to be standing on something that’s certain and proven. God is the ROCK that cannot be shaken. Pastor Carter Edmondson Join us this Sunday to find refuge from the storms of this world. Our services are 10:30 AM on Sundays. If you can’t make it to worship with us in person just yet, please tune in to KXOX 96.7. We are also on YouTube at this time for those who can watch the services anytime. We are not meeting on Wednesdays but plans are being made to start meeting then ASAP.On Sundays we have children’s church, Kingdom Kids, meet during the same time as our regular services meet in first in the Fellowship Hall and then in separate age appropriat­e classes after worshippin­g . Kingdom Kids are for ages 4-12. We also have our nursery open for ages 0-3. We will have hot coffee and donuts ready before Sunday services, so please come early and fellowship with us if you can.

Pastor Carter began a series of sermons titled ‘CONNECT, CULTIVATE, AND CARRY ON’ last Sunday.

John 15:5 - Jesus said, “I AM the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, will bear much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.’”

It really does matter what you’re connected to. #letsabide #letsconnec­t. OUR REDEEMER LIVES !!!


Green Green Grass

How many of you remember “the Word-less Book?” The first time I ever saw one was in Vacation Bible School when I was a kid. The teacher got it out and began to turn each colorful page and explain what the colors stood for. The Black page stood for sin, the Red page stood for the blood of Jesus shed to forgive me of my sin, the White page represente­d Jesus’ blood washing my sins away whiter than snow, the Green page, she told us was how we should live and grow in Jesus from that point on, until we reach the Gold page, which represente­d the streets of gold in heaven. I was amazed and in awe! In fact, I still have one today. What a story!

As I was mowing my grass this week (and every week this summer!), I was thinking how unusual it is to still be mowing my grass every week. You see, for as long as I can remember, I have allowed God to take care of my grass. If it rains, it’s green. If it does not rain, it’s golden brown. If it’s golden brown, I do not have to mow it every week because it is not growing.

I’m afraid that is how too many of our Christian lives look. We have turned a golden brown, dry and crispy toward God. Many things could be contributi­ng to this “color” in our lives. We could be bitter, angry, unforgivin­g, cynical, or self-centered. I don’t remember my VBS teacher teaching me this color in the Word-less Book.

So, while I was mowing my grass, I began to think what has contribute­d to the fact that I am still mowing my grass in July. We have had plenty of rain this year. And, between the showers and thundersto­rms, we have had plenty of good ole West Texas sunshine. This combinatio­n has brought green grass.

This combinatio­n will do the same for our Christian lives. You see, rain/water is a symbol of the Holy Spirit throughout the Scriptures. We need His teaching and guidance to learn how we are supposed to live. And, when we expose ourselves to the SONSHINE, His love will shine through us. Then, the page of our book/lives will be green again! How exciting!

We would love to have you come visit and see what God is doing at Broadway Baptist Church. We have many exciting things going on this summer. Our Student Ministries continues to have activities and classes all summer long, as well as gearing up for a great school year.

We would love to have you join us for any or all of our services. Our services are live in the sanctuary and we broadcast our Sunday Morning Worship time, our Sunday evening services, and our Wednesday evening Bible Study through FB Live.

You can also find out about us through our website @bbcsweetwa­ter.org. Our Sunday Evening Services are on KXOX 96.7 @ 6pm on Sunday nights as well. Our Broadway Student Ministry offers something for kids of all ages. Our Cultivate Youth Group (6th-12th grade) meets on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in our Family Life Center, and our Kids 4 Truth (ages pre-k – 5th grade) meets in our education building at 6:45pm.

Broadway Baptist Church is located at 710 E. Third in Sweetwater (across the street from Sweetwater Intermedia­te School). We hope to see you soon!


We meet in the name of a Savior who feeds the hungry. We meet in the name of Christ who fills those who are spirituall­y hungry. But our Christ showed concern to feed the literally hungry as well. For Christ is the fullness of God and in His coming Kingdom every kind of hunger shall be satisfied! Thanks be to God!

First Presbyteri­an Church, Sweetwater, welcomes all to join us for worship. Our Church is a warm and loving church, and we would love to have you be our guest.

The Adult Sunday School Class will meet on Sunday, July 25th at 9:45am in the fellowship hall and we will worship together at 10:45am. The Noisy offering will be collected which goes to support the missions of the Ministeria­l Alliance.

You are invited to use the Home Worship provided by our pastor, Kathy Monroe. The link for the worship is available on the church’s website, www.fpcsweetwa­ter.org.

The mission of First Presbyteri­an Church is to make disciples for Jesus Christ by being an oasis of God’s love. Worship services are each Sunday at 10:45am. We are located at the corner of 14th Street and McCaulley, across from the high school. Find out more informatio­n about our ministry by calling 235-5491 or visit the church’s website www.fpcsweetwa­ter.org.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers and sisters. Amen.

Galatians 6:18


If you are looking for a church home or just want to hear God’s word, please join us this Sunday for Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.; followed by worship service at 10:40 a.m.; hymnals, praise music, children sermon and a message from the Bible. Nursery is available. Our service is being recorded, you can view it on our Facebook page or our website at lamarstree­tbaptist.com.

Sunday evenings services starts at 6 p.m., and there is something for all ages.

Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., we have children and youth activities, and bible study/prayer time for adults. Nursery is available.

There is a coffee fellowship every Wednesday morning in the rec. building, everyone welcome!

Our monthly breakfast is the first Saturday of each month at 8 a.m. in the rec. building; everyone welcome.

Upcoming events: Pumpkin Patch will open in October. Pumpkins arrive on Friday, Oct. 8. Hours will be TuesdayFri­day 3-7, and Saturdays 10-7. Closed on Sundays and Mondays.

LSBC is located at 513 Lamar Street. If you have any questions about our services or events, please call 325-235-1779, if no answer, please leave name and phone number and someone will call you back. Check us out on Facebook.

FAITH HARVEST CHURCH 400 Alamo Street Sweetwater

We will be starting a new bible study series

Every Wednesday at 7pm Topic: Forgiving what you can’t forget. Everyone is welcome to attend and get the healing you need.

Coming Events: Wednesday Night Bible Study “Overcomer” Let’s Grow Together.

We want to invite everyone to come and worship with us. Jesus loves you and so do we.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church welcomes all to our worship! Come join us this week, July 25, the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost. Our service will be Morning Prayer Rite II at 11:00 AM. We love seeing your faces in person!

The Scriptures appointed for this Sunday are Psalm 14; 2 Samuel 11:1-15; Ephesians 3:14-21; John 6:1-21, and the Collect prayer: “O God, the protector of all who trust in you, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy: Increase and multiply upon us your mercy; that, with you as our ruler and guide, we may so pass through things temporal, that we lose not the things eternal; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”

The mission of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church is to help restore the people of our communitie­s to God and each other in Christ through worship, service, and friendship. Be sure to visit us on our Facebook page: facebook.com/St-StephensSw­eetwater-All-Saints-Colorado-City, and we can be found at our website, https://ascsss.dionwt.org/.

“All your works praise you, O Lord, and your faithful servants bless you. They make known the glory of your kingdom and speak of your power; That the peoples may know of your power and the glorious splendor of your kingdom. Your kingdom is an everlastin­g kingdom; your dominion endures throughout all ages.” (Psalm 145:10-13)


Join us at Trinity Baptist Church Sunday at 9:45 a.m. for Sunday School and at 11 a.m. for our worship service. There are classes for adults, children, and youth. There is a nursery available for children ages 4 and under for both Sunday School and worship services. Pastor JT Thornton will deliver the message during worship. You can also catch us live on our Facebook and YouTube as well.

We are in need of adult volunteers to help serve with our Kids Ministry on Sundays and Wednesdays. If you are felling led to serve in this way, find informatio­n on our Welcome table after services in the foyer.

You can also find informatio­n about joining a Life Group on our Welcome table.

Summer at The Shop, located at 509 Locust, is still going and serving kids. It will continue Monday through Friday, ending Aug. 6. Pre-K through 5th grade students can attend from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. while 6th-12 graders can attend from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. A lunch is served during that time. They will also enjoy fun activities and a devotional time. Contact Becky Acuna at 325-514-2204 for more informatio­n or email theshop@trinityswe­etwater.com.

On Wednesdays, join us for a prayer service starting at 6 p.m. Trinity Baptist Church encourages its members and others to volunteer at The LifeHouse. They offer various adult classes. On Monday nights at 6:30 beginning Aug. 30, a 16-week course, Jobs for Life, will begin. This will help people learn speaking skills, build a resume, how to interview well, and have a chance to meet with local employers and learn what they are looking for when they hire.

Another class they will offer on Tuesday nights at 6:30 starting Aug. 31 is Faith and Finances. This is a 12-week course that teaches people to move from financial struggle to financial gain. People can learn concrete money management skills such as budgeting, managing debt, and setting savings goals. Both classes are open for volunteers and to those who want to participat­e in the classes. Call 325-933-4015 for more informatio­n. You can also find “SWLifeHous­e” on Facebook.

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