Sweetwater Reporter

Clear outlook

- KyleD is a Nolan County resident with a youthful outlook.

Remember when you were getting older from being a child and someone would scold you: “You’re acting like a child!” Oh, really? But is that such a bad thing?

I’ve been told by many a doctor that I have the outlook of a 12-yearold, due to head injuries I sustained in the military. Now, I’m not talking about mentality. It’s just that I still don’t have much recall of my childhood days. And while at first it really bothered me, it doesn’t now. I like to think God gave me a new clean slate to “get it right.” But now, I believe it’s not such a bad place to be. There certainly are worse scenarios.

I’ve asked and have been told I wasn’t a bad kid. Can you imagine if I was? Then maybe I wouldn’t want to remember those days. Either that, or my parents are lying to me, not wanting to bring up those days lol. I mean, there was a time when my parents’ hair was thinning. It has since grown back in.

Being a little boy, everything in life is new and fascinatin­g. Like a butterfly landing on your nose. Or watching ants do their busy work. Now, there’s real teamwork. Seeing a baby rabbit hop across a field, and then you trying to duplicate the jumps. Or horny toads. It was like looking at a miniature-sized dinosaur. See? Fascinatin­g stuff.

I remember, or rather, I’ve been told, about the time us kids were kicking a box down the side of the freeway in Notrees, Texas. If you know anything about Notrees, it’s out in the boonies. You can literally stand in the middle of the freeway for hours and not see a single vehicle. Check out the movie Dancer, Texas and you’ll see what I mean. But, bottom line, we didn’t need fancy toys to have fun. We couldn’t afford them anyway. Just the sound of a hollow box responding to the kick of your foot was cool. Maybe that’s why the first instrument I learned to play was the drums. That was also the first time I placed myself in debt.

Our world is such a wonderous place anyway. It really is. But as we get older, we don’t tend to see the beauty and awe of things like we used to. Our minds are more cluttered. As a child, your head is like a sponge. Everything is new and exciting to you. And you want to soak in the whole universe. There isn’t enough time in the day to see and feel everything. That’s why kids hate to go to bed. Then you catch them later looking out the window, staring up at the stars.

I know that the world is a mess right now. But I can assure you, there is a positive in everything that happens. I won’t go into specifics, but when I had a bad accident years ago and died, the surgeons brought me back. But I ended up in a coma. I beat myself up for that for years. But now, I look at that, if nothing else, as a learning experience. And I truly believe, I’m a much stronger person today because of it.

So, be a child again when your day is going to pot. Find the good in everything. Go outside and literally smell the roses, or the trees or oncoming rain. Take a moment to breathe in the fresh air. Not everyone has this capability. Breathing problems inflict a lot of people these days. You’re blessed here. We all are for a reason. Let’s not waste our time given us. So, when someone says they wish they were young again, it’s totally possible.


 ?? KyleD ??

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