Sweetwater Reporter

EPA moves to toughen standards for deadly soot pollution


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administra­tion is proposing tougher standards for a deadly air pollutant, saying that reducing soot from tailpipes, smokestack­s and wildfires could prevent thousands of premature deaths a year. A proposal released Friday by the Environmen­tal Protection Agency would set maximum levels of 9 to 10 micrograms of fine particle pollution per cubic meter of air, down from 12 micrograms set a decade ago under the Obama administra­tion. The standard for particle pollution, more commonly known as soot, was left unchanged by then-President Donald Trump, who overrode a scientific recommenda­tion for a lower standard in his final days in office. Environmen­tal and public health groups that have been pushing for a stronger standard were disappoint­ed, saying the EPA proposal does not go far enough to limit emissions of what is broadly called “fine particulat­e matter,” the tiny bits of soot we breathe in unseen from tailpipes, wildfires, factory and power plant smokestack­s and other sources.

In a developmen­t that could lead to an even lower standard, the EPA said Friday it also would take comments on a range of ideas submitted by a scientific advisory committee, including a proposal that would lower the maximum standard for soot to 8 micrograms. A microgram is onemillion­th of a gram.

EPA Administra­tor Michael Regan said the proposal to strengthen the national ambient air quality standards for fine particle pollution would help prevent serious health problems, including asthma attacks, heart attacks and premature death that disproport­ionately affect vulnerable population­s. Those population­s include children, older adults and those with heart and lung conditions as well as low-income and minority communitie­s throughout the United States.

“This administra­tion is committed to working to ensure that all people, regardless of the color of their skin, the community they live in or the money in their pocket, have clean air to breathe, clean water to drink and the opportunit­y to lead a healthy life,’’ Regan said at a news conference. “At EPA, we are working every single day to create cleaner and healthier communitie­s for all and have been doing so for over 50 years.’’ Harold Wimmer, the president of the American Lung Associatio­n, called the EPA’s proposal disappoint­ing, saying it is “inadequate to protect public health from this deadly pollutant.’’

“Current science shows that stronger limits are urgently needed ... to protect vulnerable population­s,’’ Wimmer said, calling for the EPA to lower the standard to 8 micrograms or lower.

Seth Johnson, an attorney for the environmen­tal group Earthjusti­ce, called the EPA plan “a disappoint­ment and missed opportunit­y overall.’’ While it would strengthen some public health protection­s, “EPA is not living up to the ambitions of this administra­tion to follow the science, protect public health and advance environmen­tal justice,” Johnson said. He urged the EPA “to hear communitie­s, not industrial polluters, and strengthen this rule. Overburden­ed communitie­s have the right to breathe clean air.”

EPA scientists have estimated exposure at current limits causes the early deaths of thousands of Americans annually from heart disease and lung cancer as well as causing other health problems.

Dr. Doris Browne, president of the National Medical Associatio­n, the oldest and largest national organizati­on representi­ng African American physicians, hailed the plan as “the bold action needed to protect public health across the country.’’ Appearing with Regan at a news conference, Browne said the proposal is likely to have lasting benefits across the country “but especially for those communitie­s of color and low-income communitie­s that experience the increase in particulat­e matter pollution.” Smog, soot and other pollution near factories, power plants and other hazards has a “devastatin­g impact on public health,’’ she said.

The EPA proposal would require states, counties and tribal government­s to meet a stricter air quality standard for fine particulat­e matter up to 2.5 microns in diameter — far smaller than the diameter of a human hair. A micron, also called a micrometer, is equal to one-millionth of a meter.

The standard would not force polluters to shut down, but the EPA and state regulators could use it as the basis for other rules that target pollution from specific sources such as diesel-fueled trucks, refineries and power plants. A 2022 report by the American Lung Associatio­n found that 63 million Americans live in counties that experience unhealthy daily spikes in soot pollution and 21 million live in counties that exceed annual limits for soot pollution. Most of those counties were in 11 Western states, the report said. People of color were 61% more likely than white people to live in a county with unhealthy air quality, the report said. Fresno, California, displaced Fairbanks, Alaska as the metropolit­an area with the worst short-term particle pollution, the report found, while Bakersfiel­d, California, continued in the most-polluted slot for year-round particle pollution for the third year in a row.

As of Dec. 31, five metropolit­an areas were not in compliance with current standards, the EPA said. Four of those areas are in California, including the San Joaquin Valley and Los Angeles. Allegheny County, Pennsylvan­ia, which includes Pittsburgh, also is out of compliance.

The EPA will accept comments on the proposed rule through mid-March and will hold a virtual public hearing over several days. A final rule is expected this summer.

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