Sweetwater Reporter

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!”



“But the LORD has been my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge”

Psalm 94:22

In uncertain times it’s good to be standing on something that’s certain and proven. God is the ROCK that cannot be shaken. Pastor Carter Edmondson Join us this Sunday to find refuge from the storms of this world. Our services are 10:30 AM on Sundays. If you can’t make it to worship with us in person just yet, please tune in to KXOX 96.7. We are also on YouTube at this time for those who can watch the services anytime. We are not meeting on Wednesdays but plans are being made to start meeting then ASAP.On Sundays we have children’s church, Kingdom Kids, meet during the same time as our regular services meet in first in the Fellowship Hall and then in separate age appropriat­e classes after worshippin­g Kingdom Kids are for ages 4-12. We also have our nursery open for ages 0-3. We will have hot coffee and donuts ready before Sunday services, so please come early and fellowship with us if you can.

Pastor Carter began a series of sermons titled ‘CONNECT, CULTIVATE, AND CARRY ON’ last Sunday.

John 15:5 - Jesus said, “I AM the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, will bear much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.’”

It really does matter what you’re connected to. #letsabide #letsconnec­t. OUR REDEEMER LIVES !!!


And Then There was One

I think I might have written about our Peace Lilly plant before. It sits peacefully in our Master Bathroom soaking up the skylight and the humidity. It has become one of my favorite things in our home.

During the past few months, as I wrote before, it has put gone from just an ordinary green plant, to putting off several long, white flower blossoms. They have been stunning. Each has stood majestical­ly over the green leaves for several weeks at a time. Inevitably, the blossoms dry up and their long stems must be cut away. And then there was one!

That’s right, all the other blooms have come and gone to leave only one behind. Can you relate? Maybe you have suffered losses in life and feel all alone. Maybe you have stood up for the Lord and watched as others fell away. Maybe you’re surrounded by people every day, yet you still feel an empty void in your life.

Let me assure you, unlike the lonely bloom towering over our Peace Lilly, you are not alone! In fact, the Bible tells us that Jesus will “Never leave us, nor forsake us” in Hebrews 13:5. With this promise from Jesus, we can know that we never have to feel alone.

I would urge you if you are feeling lost and all alone, seek Jesus. He is truly the “Friend that sticks closer than a brother.” He is the One who told us to “Come when we’re weary and find rest in Him.” Get out your Bible often and read about Jesus and know what He has did for people back then He can do for you today. Talk to Him and tell Him how you are feeling. He knows and He cares. And, most importantl­y, He’s always just a prayer away so you don’t have to feel all alone anymore!

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Summit Series Starts Sunday

This year our Summit Series will begin on Sunday, January 15 during the morning worship. This year our guest speaker, Dr. Ken Lyle will be teaching from the book of Revelation. This curious book is often misunderst­ood, ignored, avoided, and the list goes on. Regardless of how one feels about this last book in the Bible one ought to occasional­ly dive into the mystery. That is our intent for these next three weeks. Join us Sunday at 10:30 AM.

Chili Cook Off

Our Second Annual Chili Cook off will follow the first Summit lecture on Sunday, January 15. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall for a chili luncheon with some of the finest chili in the area. The Chili Cook off is not a competitio­n, but there are bragging rights. Bring some chili, cornbread or a dessert.

Staff Anniversar­y

Lisa Eaker has served as our Children’s Minister for 7 years. This Sunday we will recognize her in our morning worship service at 10:30 AM.

For more informatio­n about the ministries of First Baptist Church you can go to www.fbcsweetwa­ter.org. Weekly messages are posted on iTunes, Facebook and YouTube.


God is good! Come see him at work at LSBC.

Join us Sunday for a morning worship service at 10:40 a.m. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. and evening service at 6 p.m., Deacon meeting to follow. Nursery is provided.

Men’s Bible study on Mondays at 6:30 p.m.

There is a coffee fellowship every Wednesday morning at 8 a.m. in the rec. building, everyone welcome!

Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m., there will be a meal then at 6:30 p.m., Bible study for adults, youth and children activities.

Our monthly breakfast is the first Saturday of each month at 8 a.m. in the rec. building. Everyone is welcome.

A $25. Deposit for youth camp is due on or before January 31.

Continue to pray for our pastor search committee.

LSBC is located at 513 Lamar Street. Steven McCaslin, Interim Pastor. Justin Niksich, Youth Pastor, and Jimmy Davis, Music Director. If you have any questions about our services or events, please call 325-235-1779, if no answer, please leave name and phone number and someone will call you back.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church (502 Locust) welcomes all to our 11:00 AM service on Sunday, January 15, 2023, the Second Sunday after Epiphany. The Rev. Bryan Callen is our vicar, leading us in worship with Eucharisti­c Prayer Rite II.

The Scriptures assigned for this day are Isaiah 49:1-7; Psalm 40:1-12; 1 Corinthian­s 1:1-9; and John 1:29-42, and the Collect: “Almighty God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ is the light of the world: Grant that your people, illumined by your Word and Sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ’s glory, that he may be known, worshiped, and obeyed to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and for ever. Amen.”

Morning Prayer at Argos (209 Oak), “Coffee with Jesus”, led by Father Callen, is held every Tuesday at 9:30 AM. All are welcome! Saint Stephen’s Day, in honor of our parish’s patron saint, will be on Sunday the 29th of January, a combined service with All Saints’ congregati­on at St. Stephen’s 11:00 AM.

The mission of St. Stephen’s, Sweetwater and of All Saints, Colorado City is to help restore the people of our communitie­s to God and each other in Christ through worship, service, and friendship. Be sure to visit us on our Facebook page where we are now Live Streamed: facebook.com/ St-Stephens-Sweetwater-All-Saints-Colorado-City, and we can be found at our website, https://ascsss.dionwt.org.

“He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; many shall see, and stand in awe, and put their trust in the Lord. Happy are they who trust in the Lord!” (Psalm 40:3-4a)


Let us come together and wait upon the Lord. Let our hearts delight that the Holy Spirit abides with us always. Let joy abound for in Christ we are not alone but have the Helper. Yes, God heard our cries and in Christ we have our salvation. Let us come then proclaimin­g the blessings of the Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

First Presbyteri­an Church, Sweetwater, welcomes all to join us for worship. Our Church is a warm and loving church, and we would love to have you be our guest.

We will worship together at 10:45am on Sunday, January 15th. Elders of the Class 2025 will be installed.

You are invited to use the Home Worship provided by our pastor, Kathy Monroe. The link for the worship is available on the church’s website,www.fpcsweetwa­ter.org.

The mission of First Presbyteri­an Church is to make disciples for Jesus Christ by being an oasis of God’s love. Worship services are each Sunday at 10:45am. We are located at the corner of 14th Street and McCaulley, across from the high school. Find out more informatio­n about our ministry by calling 235-5491 or visit the church’s website www.fpcsweetwa­ter.org.

Jesus says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen. Revelation 22:20-21


400 Alamo Street Sweetwater

Happy fall from all of us at Faith Harvest Church. The seasons are changing and change can be a good thing, especially if you are changing for the good. Change you say, no way not me.

Most of us don’t like change but change can be good if it is positive steps forward.

Many are stuck in discouragi­ng and dead cycles. I believe that Jesus still wants to rescue everyone out of them.

I can say from my own personal experience that Jesus makes everything new and he also refreshes our souls. 2 Corinthian­s 5:17 says “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation; the old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

So if you are stuck in discouragi­ng cycle I would encourage you to cry out to Jesus for help. Ask him to show you new things to do for him. I believe you will feel a new well and a freshness as Jesus beings to make things new in your life. May the love, joy, and peace of God be in your life today and everyday as you learn to trust him more.


Join us at Trinity Baptist Church Sunday starting at 9:45 a.m. with our Sunday school classes. At this time both of our adult classes are meeting together in the Family Life Center. Our children’s classes meet in various classrooms. Register in the foyer to find out where your child goes. There is a nursery for those under the age of 3.

Students in middle school and high school meet upstairs in the youth room. Our student ministry now has a new logo, Pulse. Pulse is a reminder that we are listening for God’s heartbeat in our lives and seeking out ways to hear God’s heartbeat for the world around us.

Our worship service will follow classes at 11 a.m. Children ages 3 through Kindergart­en will worship with their parents until offering time. At that time, teachers will be waiting at the front of the sanctuary to take your children to the kids’ area for Children’s Church. Parents can pick up their children in that area after service is concluded. Children in 1st grade and up will be with their parents for the duration of the service. Nursery is available during the worship service for children under 3 years of age.

Join us on Wednesdays for Kids BLAST or youth group from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Children in K-5th grades meet in the Family Life Center while our youth group meets in the youth room upstairs. Our adults will have their prayer meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 in the sanctuary. There is also a ladies bible study held from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m.

Our Women’s Ministry team is currently planning for the Women of Joy Conference in San Antonio Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2023. If you are interested in attending with our group, please register by Sunday, with a deposit of $25. The deposit will go towards the $259.00 total fee for the event. The remainder of that amount can be paid out by Aug. 16. Contact Vicki Foust for more details.

Our Youth Ministry has also opened registrati­on for our students for the DNOW weekend planned for Feb. 17-19. This is a weekend for students and leaders to spend together with an opportunit­y to grow closer to the Lord and one another. There will be games, meals, and worship throughout the weekend. The students will stay at various host homes within the community, while activities and meals take place at the church. Our speaker for the weekend will be Derek Griffon from Louisiana. Our worship will be led by our own Kellen Bowhay. Contact youth minister Kristin Bowhay for more informatio­n about registerin­g. The price is $40 per person.


309 Cedar St. FUMCsweetw­ater.org / 325-236-6617 You are always welcome at FUMC Sweetwater! SUNDAY SCHEDULE

First United Methodist Church will gather for worship inperson at 10:30am as well as via livestream @ 10:30am. All are invited and nursery is provided for children 3 and under. See you Sunday!


Sunday Nights 5:00-7:00pm

All children and youth are welcome to gather on Sunday nights for games, food, lessons, & music!


If you missed last week’s sermon you can find a podcast link on our website (FUMCsweetw­ater.org) or by searching “FUMC Sweetwater” in your podcast app of choice. For video of recent services or Livestream link, visit our YouTube channel (search “FUMC Sweetwater TX”).


Searching for a Church Home? We invite you to come Worship with us at Rhema Valley.

Sunday morning service time is at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday night at 7 p.m. We offer a Children’s Church and Nursery during Sunday morning. Pastor Ollie has begun a new series: “Through the Book of Jude”. Rhema Valley is a Charismati­c Ministry located at 3304 East Broadway. Come join us as we celebrate Jesus!


First Assembly of God Church, located at 312 E. Ave. “B” in Sweetwater where Rev Wayne & Pat Kirk are pastors, wishes to invite you to a Revival at the Church Beginning November 7, 2021. The Evangelist is James and Sharon Smith from Oklahoma.

The services will begin with Sunday School at 9:30 followed by Morning Worship at 10:30 and Evening Worship at 5:00. Monday the 8th through Friday will begin at 7:00 p.m.

The Smith’s have traveled as Evangelist and pastored a number of Churches, their last Pastorate being in Arroyo Hondo, NM. They semi-retired from there at the end of last year.

They say they retired from Pastoring but not from Preaching. They are both very gifted in playing musical instrument­s and singing. Their ministry in music and preaching will bless you.

First Assembly of God Church would like to invite you to come and join them for this Revival and to any or all services at the Church.

Sunday morning Sunday School starts at 9:30a.m. for all ages.

Morning Worship and Children’s Church starts at 10:30 a.m. Evening service starts at 5 p.m. Wednesday night services are at 6:30 p.m. for children, with programs for girls and boys, youth service and adult Bible study.

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