Sweetwater Reporter

Texas taking action


One of the most entertaini­ng things for me in the last year has been NYC’s and other big city leaders’ reactions to Gov. Greg Abbott and Gov. Ron DeSantis bussing illegal immigrants to their cities.

Abbott has vowed that he will not stop doing so until the border is secure. There have been videos of migrants saying they were not forced to go to New York City or Chicago or Washington D.C or whatever. That’s where they want to go. I mean, why would anyone want to stay in poor Eagle Pass, Texas that is now completely overrun with homeless migrants when they have an option to go to a big, modern “sanctuary city.”

This has been one of the best moves of a government official in my lifetime to deal with the federal government allowing illegals to walk into our country like it’s an amusement park, except the ticket for them is free and they are also provided with shelter and basic needs. Sure it’s good to help the poor and the refugees, but people should be able to make the decisions to help them voluntaril­y. They should not be forced to support people who are here illegally with their own meager paychecks through taxation.

Gov. Abbott made the perfect chess move by making illegal immigratio­n not only a border state problem, but an American problem. Now New York City is moving high school students out of their high school to make room for migrants in the winter since they are living in tents. Their constituen­ts are not happy. Migrants are housed all over the city. They now want the border closed, being just as adamant as people living in Texas and Arizona have been.

What seems so ridiculous to me is that some of the leaders in these areas take it out on

Gov. Abbott or even the bus companies hired to transport migrants where they want to go. Why don’t they focus their anger on the real culprit of this trampling of the sovereignt­y of our country - Joe Biden and his administra­tion? It is under this administra­tion that illegal immigratio­n has gotten out of control.

It’s certainly not Texas’ fault. They are actually trying to stop it. In response to Gov. Abbott taking control of Shelby Park in Eagle Pass (city property where mass illegal crossings are taking place daily) and closing it off to the Border Patrol and turning it over to the Texas National Guard, which is now enforcing the law and not allowing people to walk in illegally, the Biden Administra­tion is suing Texas.

So our federal government is suing my state for trying to secure its borders and protect its own communitie­s. That doesn’t sit well with me. It’s as if the Biden administra­tion is trying to facilitate illegal immigratio­n and is angry because Texas is actually trying to enforce the law - federal laws, mind you.

Our country’s first responsibi­lity is to its own citizens, and it’s failing miserably, but Texas is not. All I can say is “thank you” to Gov. Abbott for taking action. It’s time for the federal government to get out of the way so Texas can get the job of protecting our sovereign borders done. The feds not only refuse to help Texas but actually attempt to prevent us from enforcing federal laws. One has got to wonder why.

Kimberly Jones is a Nolan County native, former news reporter, writer, wife, mother, and lover of smalltown life. If you have an idea you would like to share with her, email her at kimberlyjg­ray74@gmail.com.

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