Taste of Home

Family Kitchen



•There’s nothing like cooking with Grandma.

Spinach and dark leafy greens like collards, chard and kale pack a hardhittin­g nutritiona­l punch. Turn to them for:

Stronger bones.

Spinach contains high levels of vitamin K, which aids in the absorption of calcium and decreases the risk of bone fractures.

Reduced cancer risk.

The antioxidan­ts in spinach and other greens can lower your odds of developing breast, skin, stomach and other cancers.

Healthier digestion.

The high fiber content in leafy greens keeps your digestive system running smoothly and helps you maintain a healthy weight.

Better mental health.

Dark greens are high in folate and potassium, nutrients that are important for brain health, concentrat­ion and neural activity.

Sharper eyesight.

These veggies are loaded with the carotenoid lutein, which may cut your risk of macular degenerati­on.

Reduced inflammati­on.

The flavonoids in spinach reduce the inflammati­on and pain associated with arthritis and gout.

 ??  ?? Steam or microwave to maintain the most nutrients in cooked spinach.
Steam or microwave to maintain the most nutrients in cooked spinach.
 ??  ?? Wilted Spinach Salad with Butternut Squash RECIPE ON P.79
Wilted Spinach Salad with Butternut Squash RECIPE ON P.79

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