Telegram & Gazette

Harris to lead annual bridge crossing in Ala.

- Brad Harper and Hadley Hitson

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Vice President Kamala Harris will travel to Alabama this weekend to join Selma’s annual commemorat­ion of Bloody Sunday, the White House has announced.

Community members and leaders march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge annually to remember the violence that took place there on March 7, 1965. This is the 59th commemorat­ion. Harris last participat­ed in the event in 2022.

“During her speech, the Vice President will honor the legacy of the civil rights movement, address the ongoing work to achieve justice for all, and encourage Americans to continue the fight for fundamenta­l freedoms that are under attack throughout the country,” the White House said in a release announcing Harris’ appearance.

President Joe Biden attended last year’s ceremony and led the march after a speech describing Bloody Sunday as “a reckoning” for voting rights. “No matter how hard some people try, we can’t just choose what we want to know and not what we should know,” Biden said at the time. “Everyone should know the truth of Selma.”

The 1965 voting rights march started with a crowd of hundreds, including civil rights icon John Lewis, crossing the bridge to peacefully protest for the right to vote. State troopers met the activists with violence, brutally beating and teargassin­g them in an attempt to stop the march. The day became known as Bloody Sunday, and as it was broadcast on national television, it shocked the nation into the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush have attended the anniversar­y event in the past, along with other notable figures such as former first lady Michelle Obama, the Rev. Al Sharpton and the Rev. Jesse Jackson.

Last year’s march came weeks after a massive tornado tore through Selma on Jan. 12, 2023, destroying hundreds of homes and businesses.

Separately, Harris this week was announced as a guest at a Biden campaign event Sunday in Birmingham. In 2022, at the first anniversar­y event celebrated in-person since the COVID pandemic began, Harris spoke before leading the march alongside the families of Rep. John Lewis and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

 ?? BRYNN ANDERSON/AP FILE ?? Vice President Kamala Harris last attended the Edmund Pettus Bridge march in Selma, Ala., in 2022.
BRYNN ANDERSON/AP FILE Vice President Kamala Harris last attended the Edmund Pettus Bridge march in Selma, Ala., in 2022.

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