Texarkana Gazette

GOP’S pro-hispanic strategy didn’t last long


Simple electoral math says that while it’s theoretica­lly possible for the Republican Party to win a national election while losing 70 percent of the Hispanic vote, it’s politicall­y out of the question.

That’s what happened to the GOP in 2012. In postmortem­s of that loss, the party leaders agreed that repairing relations with Hispanic voters was a party priority and the fastest, most effective way to do that was to come up with an immigratio­n bill, one that was not especially punitive and one that offered a meaningful path to citizenshi­p.

In the Senate, a bipartisan “Gang of Eight” —four Republican­s, four Democrats— produced a bill that was further toughened in negotiatio­ns with Republican senators Bob Corker of Tennessee and John Hoeven of North Dakota.

One of the eight Republican­s is Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a favorite of tea party activists and elected with their support, but for whom enthusiasm has dimmed as he shows dangerous signs of moderation. Rubio is frequently mentioned for the 2016 GOP presidenti­al ticket, but his biggest obstacle may be his own early supporters and their all-or-nothing approach to politics.

Rather embarrassi­ngly, at each step of the drafting of the bill, Rubio felt constraine­d to express reservatio­ns that indicated -- to the approval of the tea partyers in the Senate—that he might not support the final version. Ultimately, he backed the bill but not before going on the Senate floor and almost apologizin­g for his support.

The bill won a key procedural vote 68-32, easily clearing the now-requisite 60-vote supermajor­ity hurdle.

The bill would seem to be everything the tea party says it opposes: It’s expensive, $46 billion; doubles the size of the federal workforce on the border; calls for another 350 miles of Iron Curtain-like fencing; and places onerous new verificati­on requiremen­ts on employers.

But the tea party is against anything that smacks of granting citizenshi­p or providing provisiona­l legal status, which the Senate bill does, in the latter case before all the border safeguards are in place, a key tea party demand.

The bill now heads to a lessthan-warm reception in the House, where the tea party caucus is even stronger and where Speaker John Boehner says the members will not take up the Senate bill but come up with one of their own. The House does not have a single immigratio­n bill; instead, it has a series of piecemeal measures. None of them offers a path to citizenshi­p or a means of legalizing the status of the 11 million undocument­ed people already here.

If the GOP’s strategy of winning back Hispanic voters was badly wounded in the Senate, the House looks ready to kill it altogether.

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