Texarkana Gazette

Lorne Michaels, Tina Fey reunite for ‘Saturday Night Live’ opener

- By Frazier Moore

NEW YORK—When “Saturday Night Live” returns this weekend for its 39th year, executive producer Lorne Michaels won’t be fretting.

“We’re gonna do a good show,” he declared. “Every time Tina has come back, the show’s been great.”

He’s talking about former “SNL” regular and frequent guest Tina Fey, of course, back again to host this season premiere (Saturday at 11:30 p.m. EDT on NBC, with musical guest Arcade Fire).

Joining Michaels for a phone interview on Tuesday, Fey laughingly labeled “a coincidenc­e” her presence on any good shows she’s guest hosted. But she offered a couple of ways she might be serving “SNL” well this week.

“One, I have nothing to promote,” she promised, “so we’ve got plenty of time for other things.

“Two, I’m always happy to play straight person, so, hopefully, the cast will get to do more than when they have other kinds of hosts. You might get to see those new guys more. Although I’m not promising their parents anything.”

The “new guys” are the half-dozen rookie cast members—Beck Bennett, John Milhiser, Kyle Mooney, Mike O’Brien, Noel Wells and Brooks Wheelan.

Michaels agreed that neither their parents nor any other viewer should count on them making a splash on opening night.

Their only sure sighting? As members of the troupe when it convenes at the end to say goodnight.

“The intent is always to go slowly and not put anyone out there unless you feel they can score,” Michaels said.

“I think if they have one line as a waiter in a sketch, they’ll be thrilled,” Fey said. These six newcomers are helping fill the larger-than-usual void left last season by exiting “SNL” stars Fred Armisen, Bill Hader and Jason Sudeikis.

Is Michaels feeling the absence of that mighty trio? “I saw them all within the last week,” he said dryly, “so I don’t really feel their absence.”

But what about viewers? “I can’t concern myself with how viewers feel,” he cracked, which made Fey chuckle.

“It’s always been that way,” Michaels went on, turning serious. He pointed to “SNL” alums Will Ferrell, Amy Poehler and Fey, who all got big laughs as part of Sunday’s Emmycast.

“You feel really proud that they’re as good as they are, and that you were part of that,” he said. “But ‘Saturday Night Live’ has always been about reinventio­n, and we’re doing it again. That’s what keeps the show alive.”

 ??  ?? In this Dec. 20 file photo, Lorne Michaels, left, and Tina Fey attend the “30 Rock” farewell wrap party in New York. Fey will host the season opener of “Saturday Night Live,” on Saturday, Sept. 28.
In this Dec. 20 file photo, Lorne Michaels, left, and Tina Fey attend the “30 Rock” farewell wrap party in New York. Fey will host the season opener of “Saturday Night Live,” on Saturday, Sept. 28.

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