Texarkana Gazette

Four Scrooges



The Bowie County Commission­ers have all agreed they will not fund the lighting of the Bowie County Courthouse in New Boston, Texas, for Christmas this year. Chicken Little McCoy keeps saying the county is broke, the county is broke. But our Bowie County Auditor William Tye, who we depend on to keep us out of financial trouble, said we are in no way broke and do not forsee such a problem for the year 2013-2014.

Bowie County Commission­ers Pat McCoy, Tom Whitten, Sammy Stone and Kelley Blackburn want you to think otherwise. Bowie County Judge Lacy is the only one on the Commission­er’s Court who thinks we should spend the two thousand dollars to light up the courthouse for Christmas. After all it is Jesus’ birthday.

Can anyone tell me why solutions were not come up with to fund or cut down on the cost for this glorious event that comes once a year? How about feeding sandwiches to the Telford Unit inmates (whom put up the lights) instead of $7 a day each for lunches. Or maybe how about picking the inmates up at Telford after they ate their breakfast instead of paying another $7 a day? $14 a day extra when their food has already been paid for at the Telford Unit.

Just a thought, how about the county commission­ers and the county judge putting in $400 each of their own money to see the lights go up? No solutions were taken because Chicken Little McCoy knows there is an election coming up in March and wants everybody to think the county is broke. Mr. Commission­ers, if Christmas at the courthouse is full of a bunch of coal in the stockings, maybe just maybe all your brand new toys such as dozers, backhoes and dump trucks for your county barn should be old equipment like the State of Texas uses for our highways. What’s good enough for the highways is good enough for our county roads. Merry Christmas to the four Scrooges.

Edsel Hicks Texarkana, Texas

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