Texarkana Gazette

Cheers & Jeers


JEERS: To the parents that brought their young children to see the movie “The Best Man Holiday.” This movies is R-rated and no place for babies or young children. Shame on you!—J.N., Texarkana, Texas

CHEERS: To the Gazette and the other organizers for the very nice appreciati­on program and luncheon for the veterans. It was exciting to see our friend, Lewis Whitworth, meet up with a fellow POW and learn that they were in the same camp at the same time. Thanks for all your work to honor our veterans.—G.S., Atlanta, Texas

Cheers and Jeers are published each Saturday on the Opinion Page of the Texarkana Gazette.

Cheers and Jeers must be limited to 100 words or less, and may be edited for length and legal considerat­ions. No personal attacks, business/ commercial, or consumer complaint Cheers or Jeers will be printed.

You may submit your Cheers and Jeers to us at P.O. Box 621, Texarkana, TX 75504; by fax at (903) 794-3315; or by e-mail at opinion@ texarkanag­azette.com. Deadline for Saturday publicatio­n is noon Wednesday.

Although only initials and the city and state are printed with each entry, we require each Cheer and Jeer to include the writer's name, address, telephone number and signature. Submission­s become the property of the Texarkana Gazette.

Publicatio­n is limited to one entry per contributo­r within a 30-day period.

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