Texarkana Gazette

Appeals court refuses to toss NYC stop-frisk rulings

- By Larry Neumeister

NEW YORK—A federal appeals court refused Friday to toss out court rulings finding that New York City carried out its police stop-and-frisk policy in a discrimina­tory manner, ending what was likely the city’s last chance to nullify the decisions before the arrival of a new mayor who has criticized the tactic.

A three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a fivepage order Friday, saying the city could make its arguments to toss out the rulings when its appeal of the decisions of U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin is heard next year. Last month, the same appeals panel had suspended the effects of Scheindlin’s rulings and removed her from the case, saying she misapplied a related ruling that allowed her to take the stop-and-frisk case and made comments to the media during a trial that called her impartiali­ty into question.

The city had argued that the panel’s decision to remove Scheindlin meant it should also nullify her rulings.

But the appeals judges rejected that without comment, while also saying the city could ask the appeals court to return the case to a newly appointed judge in the lower court “for the purpose of exploring a resolution.”

The appeals court also rejected claims by a lawyer for Scheindlin that it had not seen enough of the court record before removing her from the case, saying it had. Scheindlin ruled in August that police officers sometimes carried out stop-and-frisk unconstitu­tionally by discrimina­ting against minorities.

The appeals court’s action appears to spoil the city’s bid to get Scheindlin’s rulings tossed before a new mayor sympatheti­c to her viewpoint takes office in January.

The stop-and-frisk program lets police stop someone when there is a reasonable suspicion that a crime is about to occur or has occurred—a standard lower than the probable cause needed to justify an arrest. Only about 10 percent of the stops result in arrests or summonses, and weapons are found about 2 percent of the time.

The newly elected mayor-to-be— Public Advocate Bill de Blasio—has repeatedly stated that he would order the city to drop its appeal and had filed papers with the district court and the 2nd Circuit opposing the city’s effort to stay the effect of the rulings.

De Blasio, who takes office in January, could also settle with those urging reforms, eliminatin­g federal oversight.

The city’s top lawyer, Michael A. Cardozo, said the city was “moving ahead full speed with its appeal, and we maintain that the city’s police force has acted lawfully in its applicatio­n of stop, question and frisk.”

The Center for Constituti­onal Rights, which represents plaintiffs in the stopand-frisk case, said in a statement that it hopes De Blasio drops the city’s “desperate appeal.”

“He has an extraordin­ary opportunit­y to use the expertise of a court monitor and policing experts to end discrimina­tory policing,” it said.

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